Assessment in Healthcare EducAtion goes Digital header
Assessment in Healthcare EducAtion goes Digital

PR 3 Micro Learning Units


PR 3 includes the development, piloting and evaluation of micro-learning units. Findings from the co- creation stage (PR 1) and the needs analysis of IO2 will inform this project result. During the recent transnational meeting, some initial topic areas where were identified that will be useful to the teachers and learners participating in this project. These include:

  •  Recording a video for digital assessment

o Camera angles, light, audio

o Mobile phone / camera types and settings

  •  Uploading recorded videos

o Google docs

o Moodle-based platforms

Micro-learning unit design and format

Ideas were developed on how the micro learning units should be designed and in which format they should be produced. As a result of the discussions (see Annex) and preparative work, the AHEAD team decided on a blended format i.e. providing short bite-sized videos and complimentary face-to- face sessions to consolidate the competencies learned during videos.

The learning units convey the basic skills and abilities that enable teachers and learners to create and use the digital assessments in the AHEAD project. HIO led on a micro-board exercise with all partners at the recent transnational meeting to concretise the ideas for the micro-learning units, which are shown in the screenshot below: (Insert Image)

Topics, as mentioned above include: videos for teachers and learners on how to record, save and upload their skills videos. The following is one draft example, which the group is working on. Clinical areas such as hand-washing, applying sterile gloves and gowning up in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are considered to be useful for this project.

Example: Recording a video for digital assessment

One useful micro-learning unit will relate to video- recording. Planning of the individual steps for the

creation and execution of a digital video-based recording in form of a video, follow-up face-to-face

session and manual are on the way. One example includes the following instructions for participants:

Recording tips using a mobile phone for recording a skill:


  • Close up from the waist up – so we can see your hands but not your face
  • Background not overly distracting
  • Highest quality setting should be consistent with most mobile phones (like 4k, 60 frames per second or similar)

o for iPhone Go to settings & camera & record video and then change to 4k 60 frames

o to enable 4K 60fps quality on Android phones, tap on the settings wheel in the top right portion of the screen within Open Camera, select Video Settings, and change both the video resolution to 4K Ultra HD and the video frame rate to 60.

  • Please use your phone or tablet for recording, do not use Zoom if possible (Zoom relies on Internet, any instability in internet might result in a disturbance in the recording)

Optimise the environment

  • Is the camera at centre to you demonstrating the skill?
  • Is your room that you are recording in well lit e.g. make sure the light is shining from in front
  • of you
  • Is the environment quiet? Ensure there is no background noise
  • Choose a VERY quiet space

For mobile devices:

  • Stabilise device – use tripod or similar

o Consider somebody recording you, if no stabilising device is available

  •  Use landscape orientation

As outlined in the project application, teachers and learners in AHEAD will be provided with the option to record their skills using Unicam. Through Unicam teachers and learners have the capability to capture their own videos, using their PC, mobile device or an IP camera.

Micro-learning units will be developed on how to use Unicam and how to capture / store the data

from self-recorded videos via Unicam. One proposal is as follows:

Each video is captured and stored on the users Google Drive in a safe and secure manner. As the videos are stored on Google drive there is no additional cost to the institution regardless of how many videos are created making Unicam the most sustainable video capture system for higher education.

Another solution is to link the recordings to each institutions Moodle-based platforms. To this end, there is a meeting with the Technical Committee set up to further explore the matter. HIO and DCU have experience in using Unicam and will assist other project partners as required.


The lead team (HIO) have engaged all project partners in the development of the project results for IO3. So far, the team has decided on a blended format to ensure that teachers and learners within the AHEAD project have the digital competencies to record their own skills videos, save them and upload them. Topics will be healthcare focused and relate to hand washing, applying sterile gloves and gowning up with PPE.