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Assessment in Healthcare EducAtion goes Digital
Welcome to the AHEAD project: Assessment in Healthcare EducAtion goes Digital

The Erasmus+ funded project: Assessment in Healthcare EducAtion goes Digital ‘AHEAD’ aims at enhancing digital assessment in the field of healthcare education across four European countries (Ireland, Germany, Georgia and Poland). The project is mainly related to area 3 and 4 of the European Framework for Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu): (iii) teaching and learning and (iv) assessment.



The project is set to address three target groups: school-based teachers / educators, practice-based teachers and learners/students in health care education in order to:

(i) Engage participants and encourage them to become involved in the transformation towards digital healthcare assessment (ii) Foster digital assessment that is in-line with ongoing Higher and VET education and EU Digital Education agendas (iii) Address knowledge and skills gaps, hopes and concerns of teachers and learners, and develop their capabilities in the area of digital assessment (iv) Develop peer assessment by means of innovative technologies and software, (v) Reward learning by means of open source digital badges / micro-credentialing.

AHEAD will combine general aspects of digital assessment with an essential healthcare topic. Five Intellectual Outputs (IO’s – Project Results) will be produced. You can read about each IO by clicking on the corresponding image above. 

Erasmus+ and co-funded by the European Union

Erasmus+ (co-funded by the European Union)


Common Goals

Contributing to the transformation of healthcare education through the use of digital teaching and assessment.



  • Openness
  • Willingness to share
  • Commitment
  • Inclusive group
  • We can contact each other and, in the group, solve problems and learn from each other