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Student Support & Development

Week 6 - Recommended Supports and Events For You This Week

Dear Students,

I hope you all had a good week and are beginning to get a clear picture of the various assignments due over the coming weeks. Manage your time carefully and you will have the Christmas break to get your energy levels back up! Don't forget to use the resources in Student Learning to help you perform at your best!

Take a break to do something 'completely different' and take part in some of the Careers Skills Sessions which are being offered this week and which lead to the DCU Silver Engage Award. This will help you stand out of the crowd for those summer jobs and graduate opportunities - and give you a break from  your studies while doing something worthwhile.

Enjoy the week!

 Event                                               Date                  Time                    Event Link   

Designing Your Career                        
   16/11/20              13:00 - 13:45                 Register here
(Career & Workplace Skills Series)
Mindfulness: Self Care -                     
  16/11/20              13:00 - 14:00                 Register here
('A Core Resource for Resilience')          

Annual Service of  Remembrance        16/11/20              18:30 - 19:30           
 Live Stream here

Afternoon Mass (Online)                       17/11/20              13:00 - 13:30            Live stream here                                                                    19/11/20              13:00 - 13:30             Live stream here   

Easing Low Mood                                  18/11/20               13:00 - 14:00                Register here  (Session Two)                                        

Career Hot Topics - Q&A                       18/11/20               13:00 - 13:30                Register here 
Want to enhance your employability this year? Then check out the DCU Career and Workplace Skills Programme - a series of online skills sessions facilitated by DCU Careers Service. Participants who complete five of the Career and Workplace Skills Sessions throughout the year (including the mandatory session) will receive a certificate of achievement. For more information and to register for upcoming sessions please visit here.
Check out My Wellbeing Space on 
My DCU - a monthly compilation of content dedicated to your wellbeing.  it's a great place to find resources such as podcasts, blogs, recipes and videos to help you to look after your body and mind this year. To see the latest content for November, visit the My Wellbeing Space tile on My DCU. Developed by DCU Healthy & DCU SU, in collaboration with SS&D.
Find more great resources to support your mental health and wellbeing on DEVELOP  where you'll also get support with study, digital and life skills and career development.
Silver Cloud - Online CBT to Support Your Mental Health
Need help with upcoming assignments? Want to improve your study skills? 

This week Dr Alicia Menendez Tarrazo, Student Learning Officer with DCU Student Learning, talks about the great service that she and her team provide for DCU students:


What kind of support does Student Learning provide? 

We help students develop the study skills they need in order to become confident, independent learners: getting organised and managing their time, taking effective notes, staying on top of their reading for class, revising for exams, etc. These skills may not come naturally to most of us, but they can be learned, and that’s where we can help. We also coordinate the Writing Centre, which provides guidance with assignment writing. 

So let’s say I'm a DCU student struggling in one of those areas - what can I do? 

Your first port of call would be our online Discover Study Skills resources, which cover most of the skills you will need to succeed at university. You can work through them at your own pace or dip in and out depending on what you need at any given time. We also offer Study Skills Workshops, in case you prefer a live format and having the chance to ask questions. If you would like to talk to one of us individually about a specific writing or study issue you are having, you can make a Writing Centre or Study Skills appointment through our website and one of us will meet with you over Zoom.

What would a one-to-one Zoom meeting with a Student Officer typically involve?

A typical meeting starts with us listening to you carefully and probably asking a few questions; then we will explain some of the strategies we think may work for you, and finally we will provide you with resources you may find useful. 

For further info on any of the resources mentioned, just click on the links above. To make an appointment with a DCU Student Learning Officer, visit the Student Learning website.
Q. Just wondering what mental health services are available at DCU               during the current restrictions? Is counselling etc. available?

A. The Counselling and Personal Development Service is still available. Please email to make an appointment. Further information is available here.

There are also a range of mental health resources available on DEVELOP (on Loop). Click here to access podcasts, videos and booklets developed by the DCU Counselling and Personal Development Service Team, as well as online courses from Silver Cloud.

For more information on Student Support Services visit the SS&D website here.

General Student Advice queries: 

Chat: using the 'Ask' button on My DCU
Email:  to
Phone: 01 700 7165 to speak with a Student Adviser

Events or Workshops:

Engage Award:

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