Student Assistance Fund
The Student Assistance Fund 2024/2025 is now closed
Should you need to discuss your financial situation, please email us at studentassistancefund@dcu.ie. Please use your DCU email account and provide your student ID within the email.
Student Support & Development operate the Student Assistance Fund (SAF) providing financial support to students who are experiencing short or long-term financial difficulties while attending higher education. The Higher Education Authority (HEA) manages it on behalf of the Department of Further & Higher Education, Research, Innovation & Science.
The fund is open to full-time and part-time students aimed at tackling educational disadvantage by providing financial support to those who may require additional financial support to enable them to benefit fully from their higher education.
Students can only apply once within an academic year
October 2024 - Applications will be open to DCU registered eligible students in October for a period of three weeks
February 2025 - Applications will be open again for two weeks to students who have not applied previously in the current academic year
The SAF fund is not open to late applications
Emergency applications – Emergency applications outside the above dates (October/ February), by first time or previous applicants within an academic year, can be made should a student encounter sudden serious adverse financial circumstances during the year. The student can contact us to arrange a meeting to discuss their change of circumstances. Please see 'Query' section below for contact details.
A SAF award is a once off payment unless a further emergency award is successful.
- Students (Registered on higher education programmes of not less than one year in duration) –
- Full time students on courses that lead to a higher education award at level 6 to 10 of the National Framework of Qualifications - NFQ https://nfq.qqi.ie/)
- Part-time students on courses that lead to a higher education award at level 6 to 10 of the national framework of qualifications (as above) – Blended/Distance learning programmes
- Students on Springboard+/Human Capital Initiative courses, or who are on blended/distance learning courses, are eligible to apply subject to meeting the criteria outline above.
- PhD students Year 1-4. Students who have completed four years of their studies, on a case-by-case basis, may also be given consideration for support.
- Students with a previous higher education qualification at the same NFQ level, or who, in the past, attended higher education without ultimately obtaining a qualification, may be considered for support on a case-by-case basis and subject to available funding.
- The DCU Student Assistance Fund is in the first instance, a means tested fund. The eligibility income is up to €72,000 (total family income). For students under 23, this will be the parents/guardians and any income the student, he/she, may have. For students over 23, who are dependent on their parents/guardians, this will be the parents/guardians income along with any income the student, he/she, may have. For students over 23, not dependent on parents/guardian, this will be the student’s income plus partner/spouse’s income where applicable.
- Income is less than expenditure.
- Online application is completed and submitted ('Submit' button must be clicked).
- Required supporting documentation is uploaded to application.
- Students do not have to be in receipt of a SUSI grant to be eligible to apply.
- Students who are non-EU nationals, including UK nationals, but who are eligible for free or reduced fees in line with the criteria for the Free Fees Initiative may be considered for the SAF subject to meeting the criteria outlined above. (https://hea.ie/funding-governance-performance/funding/student-finance/course-fees/)
- Persons qualified for protection under Section 60 of the International Protection Act 2015 (including Ukrainian students who are currently registered as higher education students on approved courses or authorised transition arrangements in approved publicly funded institutions in Ireland) are eligible to apply for SAF. To qualify, the student must have been granted permission to reside in the State by the Minister for Justice pursuant to section 60 of the International Protection Act 2015. The student must be present, and residing at an address in the State, and undertaking, or intending to pursue, an approved course in the 2024/25 academic year
Applications to the SAF are not open to International/Non-EU fee-paying students. Non-EU fee-paying students may be eligible for the International Student Emergency Fund.
Students who do not meet the above eligibility.
Students must choose one category when seeking financial assistance towards costs associated with day-to-day participation in higher education such as –
Rent / Living expenses / Books + College Materials / Essential Travel / Medical / Childcare
Assistance can also include family difficulties e.g. Family Breakdown / Bereavement
The above list is not exhaustive
SAF funding is not available to assist students with the costs of tuition fees / registration fees / student loans.
No documents to be uploaded in Zip file format.
Please note students must have an account with an Irish bank or Revolut or Irish Post Office or Credit Union.
For successful applications, payments are only processed to the above type accounts.
2024/2025 SUSI Recipients
- SUSI Grant 2024/2025 letter + A4 sheet noting password if applicable
2024/2025 Back to Education Allowance / Means tested Social Welfare Recipients
Copy of two months recent bank statements / If you have another account/s i.e. either bank including Mobi or other e.g. Credit Union, Post Office - one month recent statement of each – See below information on bank statements
- Back to Education Allowance 2024/2025 Notification Confirmation
- Social Welfare2024/2025 - Official Social Welfare Statement
SUSI Applicants - If you have applied to SUSI, you do not need to provide proof of income for your family. If, however you are declined from SUSI at a later date, you will need to provide proof of income for your family.
All Other Students
Copy of two months recent bank statements / If you have another account/s i.e. either bank including Mobi or other e.g. Credit Union, Post Office - one month recent statement of each – See below information on bank statements
- Employment - If employed between September 2024-May 2025: 2 recent pay slips
- Dependent on Parents/Guardians/Partners/Spouse - Dependent means living at home and/or receiving financial assistance during the year. (All students living with parents/guardians are deemed dependent) - Upload one applicable below document for each parent:
- PAYE - P21 or 2023 Employment Summary
- Social Welfare - Official 2023 Statement
- Self Employed - 2023 Notice of Assessment
If your family income is over the threshold but changes have occurred in 2024/2025, please provide evidence of the following where applicable as well as the above -
- Employment Summary
- Social Welfare Statement
- Self Employed Notice of Assessment
Information on Bank Statements
We request, as per above, that you provide one month’s recent statement should you have any other account i.e., bank/credit union/post-office etc. |
Students can complete their application and submit it whilst awaiting documents once they return to their application to upload omitted documents prior to closing date. Omitted documents lead to applications being unsuccessful.
Childcare applicants will be contacted for further documentation.
4-6 Weeks
Assessment of October and February applications commence immediately after the closing dates. Due to the very large number of applications, the assessment can take from four to six weeks. Therefore, a student can receive the outcome of their application anywhere from the first week of assessment to the sixth week. Once a student’s application is successful, the student will receive a confirmation email notifying them of their award together with a request to upload their bank details on Loop (See section on this page for uploading bank details). From the date the student receives their award email, it can take one to two weeks for payment to reach their bank account as the process of payments is once a week by Finance. If there are no bank details uploaded to Loop, there will be no award payment processed.
Average Award
Please note, each year the government SAF funding is separate from previous years therefore the average award can vary year-to-year e.g. €300 - €400 / €600. We would advise that students plan their budget prior to commencement of their studies and note that, should they be successful in obtaining an award, it will not cover full expenses. See link 'Financial Survival' link below.
As per successful applications, the assessment process can take from four to six weeks with the students receiving the outcome of their application anywhere from the first to sixth week from the closing date.
Not all applications are successful. Each application is assessed individually and the following are some reasons for unsuccessful applications - Income exceeds expenditure / Sufficient funding in bank / Student on paid placement (dependent on placement period/income) / Incomplete applications (including omitted documents).
Should an application be unsuccessful, the student can appeal the decision within a two-week period from the date notified of outcome by completing the below appeal form and emailing it to studentassistancefund@dcu.ie. Appeals will be considered within a four-week period of receipt and students contacted on the outcome by email.
Appeal Form Please download the attached Word document for completion.
Should you not be in receipt of a SUSI Grant or Back to Education Allowance or Means Tested Social Welfare Payment, within the application, you will be required to project your income / expenditure for nine months of the academic year (September to May).
To assist you on working out your income and expenditure and noting them in your application, please see sample budgets below. These budget templates are not to be uploaded to your application they are simply here to assist you prior to completing the income/expenditure sections.
In order for your application to be processed as quickly as possible and to avoid unnecessary time consuming, it is advisable to read the information on this fund including REQUIRED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION.
Please note students in receipt of a SUSI grant, Back to Education Allowance or means tested Social Welfare payment are not required to answer all questions. After you have answered yes to one of these three options, you will be brought directly to 'Upload documents'.
Accessing the system
Students who applied for the SAF since the academic year 2020/2021 via the SAF application Portal, do not have to obtain their access code again. Log in using the ‘Sign in’ button on the top right-hand corner of the Portal webpage. Do not log into your Profile. Click on Student Assistance Fund on the top.
Students who have not previously applied to the SAF since 2020/2021 via the SAF application Portal, will be required to go through the validation process below to register and gain access - This as noted below includes requesting an access code. Do not log into your profile.
1. Click on the hyperlink Request Access to begin the process.
2. Enter your DCU email (lower case only).
3. Enter your DCU Student ID number - First Years use only last five digits (e.g. 52640). All other students use all eight digits (No letter beforehand).
4. Click the button ‘Request Access Code’ to retrieve your unique code.
5. When your Invitation code appears, click on the ‘Copy Invitation Code’ button to copy your code.
6. Click on the word ‘link’ on the ‘Request Access’ page to activate your invitation Code.
7. Paste the copied code into the Invitation Code box (right click paste, ctrl+v PC, Command + V MAC) and click Register.
8. You will then be prompted to sign in using the AZURE button.
9. Enter your DCU Email and password.
10. If you are using a Laptop, when you have logged on, your name will appear in the top right-hand corner of the Portal. You will also see a link to the Student Assistance Fund in the header section. Click the ‘Student Assistance Fund’ tab to make an application.
11. If you are using a mobile device, once logged in you will see 3 parallel lines in the top right-hand corner of your screen. Click on the lines to retrieve the ‘Student Assistance Fund’ tab.
12. Once your application is completed, click on ‘Save’ – this will allow you to make any changes at a later date (prior to the closing date). Once you are satisfied that your application is complete, ensure you click on the ‘Submit’ button. To access your application again, please note you only need to sign in (top right-hand corner).
<Closed to applications>
In order to be in receipt of a SAF award, students must upload their account details - Irish Bank / Irish Post Office / Revolut / Credit Union Account
To provide your bank details - Log into DCU Key Click on first option 'My Profile' Choose within the list 'Your Bank Account Details'
Should you have any problems uploading your bank details, please contact the Fees Office
Data Protection Notice
The personal data provided by you as part of your application to the Student Assistance Fund "SAF" is obtained, processed and retained by Student Support & Development (SS&D - a unit within Dublin City University 'Data Controller') for the purposes that are directly connected with the administration and operation of the SAF and will be treated in accordance with the DCU Data Privacy Policy which can be accessed at https://www.dcu.ie/ocoo/data-protection.shtml .
Some of the data you provide may be shared with third parties such as the HEA or Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science for the purposes of coordinating, monitoring and evaluating the operation of the SAF.
Your personal data will be retained by SS&D until the end of the Operational Programme. If you wish to obtain further information about data protection please visit, data.protection@dcu.ie or www.dataprotection.ie If you are not satisfied with the response from DCU in relation to data protection queries, you may contact the Data Protection Commission via www.dataprotection.ie.
All queries email - studentassistancefund@dcu.ie - Please use your DCU email account and note your student ID within the email.
Phone - 00 353 1 700 61 68
Office - CG78 Ground Floor
Dublin City University
Henry Grattan Building
Glasnevin Campus
Dublin 9
The Pantry is designed for all students struggling with the cost of living crisis. Students can avail of this service once a week.
The Pantry is a service where students can take six nonperishable food items free of charge. This ranges from pasta, spices and canned food to health products like, shower gel or period products.
Please see details on link - https://dcustudentlife.ie/thepantry
The Office of Student Life also runs a free breakfast service for students across Glasnevin and Pat's campuses. Information can also be found on the above link.