Sexual Misconduct

DCU believes that a safe, respectful, supportive and positive community is among a University’s greatest strength and has the potential to enhance the living, learning, and working experience for all members of the University community. Our University has both a legal and moral obligation to recognise that sexual misconduct is a serious issue. If unaddressed, the consequences can be damaging for both individuals and the institution. DCU has a zero-tolerance stance on sexual misconduct.

Sexual misconduct is a broad term encompassing any behaviour of a sexual nature that is

committed without consent or could involve force, intimidation, coercion, or manipulation. This policy provides clear definitions of sexual misconduct and related key concepts. Any difficulty in defining what constitutes sexual misconduct should not deter members of the University community from reporting behaviour which is unwelcome.

Sexual Misconduct at Work and Study Policy

Student Sexual Misconduct Procedures

To anonymously report an incident of sexual misconduct, go to the SPEAK OUT tool.

To book a meeting with a Sexual Misconduct Adviser, email 

For advice and guidance regarding the policy and procedures, students can contact the Student Policy Officer by emailing