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Student Support & Development

Exemptions 2021/2022

Procedures for students unable to wear face coverings or requiring accommodations to attend on-campus activities for medical reasons.

On-Campus Activities

DCU is planning to offer a mostly on-campus experience in the academic year 2021/22. It is expected that students will attend classes on campus in order to engage with their learning and understanding of the materials.

In the case of a student who is immuno-compromised, at high risk or very high risk or medically unsuitable for vaccination, the University will endeavour to provide reasonable accommodations to allow students engage with their academic studies. Students will be asked to provide a letter from their Medical Consultant specifically stating that they are unable to come on campus as they are unable to be vaccinated.

Although we will endeavour to provide reasonable accommodations, please note that we cannot guarantee that you will have the same level of access to the learning and materials as students who will be on campus. Most of DCU’s programmes are structured for on-campus delivery and we do not have the ability to offer a programme online if that programme is being offered on campus.

If you are unable to attend on-campus activities this Semester for health-related reasons, please fill out the following form as soon as possible. We will be in touch to discuss your situation soon after you submit.


Student Name
I am unable to attend on-campus activities because:
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By clicking on the ‘Submit’ button above, you are confirming that you have read and understood the above information, including the Data Protection Notice, and that you are giving your consent to DCU to process your information.


Face Coverings

If you are unable to wear a face covering due to a medical reason or condition, you may be able to wear a full face visor or face shield instead. These are not as effective as wearing a face covering, but it may offer some level of protection to those around you.

If you are unable to wear a face covering while on campus, you will need to register this with us. Please let us know by filling in the following form and we will inform relevant staff.

Students will be asked to provide documentation to support their request for a face covering exemption.

I'm unable to wear a face covering due to ?
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By clicking on the ‘Submit’ button above, you are confirming that you have read and understood the above information, including the Data Protection Notice, and that you are giving your consent to DCU to process your information.


If you have any questions, please mail or phone 7005164.