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DCU ALPHA: Dublin City University Innovation Campus

DCU ALPHA: Dublin City University Innovation Campus

Co-located with Dublin City University, DCU ALPHA is a commercial innovation campus that promotes the growth of research-intensive businesses that are creating the technologies and services of tomorrow. Occupying a city-central 9-acre site, the campus has played a pivotal role in innovation and scientific research in Ireland, serving as headquarters for Enterprise Ireland, then NSAI and SEAI over its 70-year history. The NSAI Metrology Lab continues to operate onsite.

Repurposed by DCU and reopened in early 2014, DCU ALPHA has quickly attracted a community of like-minded innovative companies.  60 companies employing 800+ staff currently operate across the 200,000 sq. ft campus of mixed office, industrial and research space, developing ground-breaking products in connected health, Artificial Intelligence and IoT technology. Here, indigenous SMEs and start-ups innovate alongside larger companies such as Siemens, Taoglas and Mergon in a collaborative hub, in partnership with DCU. For innovative companies that are looking to scale and leverage DCU’s research, graduate talent and commercial network, this is the place to be.

DCU ALPHA provides optimum conditions for firms involved in bridging the physical and digital worlds. Here, hardware prototyping spaces operate alongside bio labs and contemporary offices; entrepreneurs socialise with lab technicians and engineers; breakout conversations spawn exciting ideas and creative collaborations.

DCU ALPHA is rapidly building an advanced cluster of companies to which every new tenant adds value. Our vision goes beyond providing physical workspace: as a client, you get access to world-class research facilities, impressive shared amenities (Auditorium, Cafe, Ideas/Meeting Rooms) and an inspirational collaborative culture. This is no traditional business park, this is an innovation ecosystem that is designed to propel your business growth.





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