Cost of Living at University
Cost of Living at University
The costs of college often come as a shock to students and parents alike therefore, it is important to be aware of your income and expenditure before you begin your year. Even though your studies are an investment towards future higher earnings right now, they do not pay the bills. It is advisable to be aware of the living costs, whilst studying at university. The cost of living at home or away from home varies. Many students will receive some or all of their income through their parents/guardians, however, in cases where there is a shortfall in your income; there are a variety of ways of bridging that gap.
Financial Survival at University 2023/2024 - Financial wellness is important to all to be able to enjoy your time in university. Preparing a budget prior to commencing your year, re-assessing it on a monthly basis and adjusting when necessary will assist you in this goal.
Below is a list of what you will find on the following link -
Financial Survival in University
- Budgeting - The Easy Way to Start
- Cost of attending university living away from home or living at home
- Sample monthly costs for both of above
- Template to complete your OWN BUDGET
- Possible ways to bridge the financial gap
Information on possible ways to bridge the financial gap such as SUSI Grant, Student Assistance Fund, 1916 Bursary, Financial Survival at University, Fee waivers on medical grounds and reduced fees for First Year transfer students is also found at the below link:
Student Financial Assistance Service
A financial assistance service is available to students who would like advice and guidance on budgeting throughout the year and who need to look at options for finance available to them. For further information, contact our Financial Administrator, Celine Geraghty on the below details:
T: +353 1 700 6055
E: studentassistancefund@dcu.ie
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