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Student Support & Development

Bullying, Sexual Consent, Assault & Harassment

Report + Support

Bullying, Harassment, Discrimination, or Sexual Misconduct

DCU Advisers and Allies

To chat with someone in confidence about your experience, contact a Dignity and Respect Ally or a Sexual Misconduct Adviser.  They will be able to advise you on options available for reporting an incident or offering initial support.  DCU has many supports available and can refer you to the correct support needed. We want to ensure you have a positive student experience and talking to someone can be the first step to dealing with a situation.

To contact an adviser or an ally, email and you will referred for a support meeting.


SPEAK OUT Anonymous Report

The Speak Out tool enables you, as a member of our University community to anonymously disclose incidents of unacceptable behaviour such as bullying, harassment, discrimination, and sexual misconduct in a way that is safe and secure. As Speak Out is completely anonymous, the University will have no way to identify or make contact with any individual who chooses to submit a report.

To anonymously report an incident please access the Speak Out Tool.  (Note: If you would like to preview the questions involved in reporting an incident anonymously you can click through the questions in the tool, but please do not click submit unless you wish to go ahead and report an incident).


Self Help

Sometimes you may want to read what your options are yourself before you speak to a member of staff.  In DCU we have a number of student policies to protect students during their studies.  Below are a number of policies and procedures that can be read in your own time. If you want to report or seek support for an incident, contact

Dignity and Respect Policy

Dignity and Respect Student Procedures

Sexual Misconduct Policy

Sexual Misconduct Student Procedures

Sexual Consent / Relationships

Relationships and dating can be really exciting but it can get complicated and confusing around sex and intimacy. At times it can be unclear how the other person feels, and messages can be confusing and read wrong.  When it comes to sex it is always important that you both give permission for sex or intimacy, which basically is consent. Sex without consent can mean sexual assault or rape. Below are some tips on navigating this complex area. Here is a great video that explains consent - Consent it’s as simple as Tea

Below are some tips on navigating this complex area:

Rape, Sexual Assault, Sexual Misconduct:

DCU takes the issue of respect, of all forms, very seriously and believes that each student should enjoy a student experience free from abuse or harassment of any type. We are here to help and support you and to ensure that you receive the support and treatment you may need following a rape or sexual assault.

Support at DCU:

A rape or sexual assault can be very difficult to deal with and we would strongly advise you to get support from a close friend and/or a member of the university staff. We have dedicated advocates in DCU who have received training in supporting students who have been raped / sexually assaulted, and they will provide you with support for as long as you need this. You will be treated with complete confidentiality. The following people can be contacted, and will know how to help you:

Psychological and Physical Health Support

Student Health Centre

Counselling Staff

DCU Sexual Misconduct Advisers:

Email and you will be set up with a meeting. 

Rape Crisis Centre Support

The Dublin Rape Crisis Centre have a 24/7 line that you can call for support and advice on rape and sexual assault. Tel: 1800 77 8888

What will happen if I approach a member of staff in DCU?

If you do not want the University to provide support, you can contact the National Sexual Violence Helpline or call 180077888 or the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) directly. Details can be found here.

Resources / Information

Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU)

The Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) provides physical and psychological support if you have, or think you have been raped.  In the case of a rape, it is crucial that you get immediate care from a medical team, who will provide care and treatment to you in a professional and non-judgemental manner. You can contact a member of staff 24/7.

My Options

My Options is a service provided by the HSE which provides information and support on all of your options following an unplanned pregnancy.

DCU Student Health Centre

The Health Centre at DCU provides support for all students. You can arrange to speak to a nurse free of charge and be supported.

DCU Counselling Service

If your preference is to speak to a Counsellor in the first instance, you will find details of the counselling team here. Make it clear when you are registering that you need to make an emergency appointment, to avoid delays.

You can find out more about reporting, the law and medical care in Ireland here.

Sexual Misconduct in Higher Education

The Irish Government is committed to providing a safe environment for students and staff, and regards as completely unacceptable any form of sexual misconduct.  The National Framework for Consent is aimed at 'Ending Sexual Violence and Harassment in Irish Higher Education Institutions.  DCU’s Sexual Misconduct Policy further outlines the University’s position in this regard. DCU is committed to tackling sexual assault and harassment and has developed an Action Plan to support the national framework for consent. 

SPEAK OUT is a reporting tool that is part of the national framework and enables data collection on the incidence rates of sexual misconduct across the sector. Given the intersectional nature of sexual misconduct, the tool also collects data on multiple forms of misconduct. The key reasons for collecting this data are:  

  • Monitor trends of misconduct both at the institutional level and across the country
  • Improve institutional and national policies to ensure that they support the needs of all members of the university communities
  • Inform educational interventions such as workshops, campaigns, etc. to ensure that they reflect the real-life experiences of university communities

While the tool is anonymous, it also very importantly will direct you to appropriate supports and provide you with information on what formal reporting procedures are available to you should you have been the victim of unacceptable behaviour as a member of the DCU Community.