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Social Entrepreneurship

Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

A comprehensive overview of the landscape of social innovation and entrepreneurship at DCU and further afield at the National, European and Global level.

Explore the various support organisations and networks for social innovation and entrepreneurship, as the well as the variety of competitions and awards that are on offer for third level students, aspiring social entrepreneurs and systems change leaders.

RevitaLESE - Revitalising Long Established Social Economy Organisations

The Erasmus+ RevitaLESE project is the latest social enterprise project that DCU is contributing to. RevitaLESE aims to highlight the importance of, engage with and assist to improve and revitalize the social mission and business model and activities of LESE (long established social economy) organisations.

DCU is working together with partners The Wheel (Ireland),  ACT Grupa, Synthesis Center for Research and Education (Cyprus), Social Innovation Centre (Latvia), Skills Zone (Malta), Knowl Social Enterprise for Lifelong Learning (Greece).

Follow the RevitaLESE project on Facebook and Linkedin.

View the latest RevitaLESE newsletter (April 2022) here.


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