Competencies and Learning Outcomes
EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework
The EntreComp Framework is a relevant tool for higher level educators to use to assess student entrepreneurial skills and competencies. Although the framework was developed for entrepreneurship in general, it is also pertinent when going about assessing social entrepreneurial skills and competencies.

First developed by the European Commission in 2016, EntreComp is a framework that captures the competencies required to develop an entrepreneurial mindset.
The framework recognises entrepreneurship as a transversal competency that is made up of 3 key competency areas: Ideas and Opportunities, Resources and Into Action. Within each of these 3 competency areas are 5 distinct competencies, making up a total of 15 competencies in the framework.
The circular nature of the model emphasises that entrepreneurship is not a linear process, but instead is a continuous process of developing new ideas, mobilising resources, putting ideas into action, generating new ideas, etc.
The 2016 framework report illustrates the progression model. The 8 progression levels in the model capture the growth of entrepreneurship competency over time. They are useful to guide the teaching of social innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education institutions, by serving as a guideline to track the level of competency students should aim to achieve each year.
The report also gives an extensive overview of the 442 learning outcomes that correspond to each competency and progression level.