Postgraduate Scholarships, Awards & Prizes

New virtual reality leadership lab in memory of Colm Delves puts DCU at the cutting edge

Colm Delves Memorial Scholarship

Postgraduate students at DCU have a wide range of financial, merit and other scholarships available to them. 


From fee discounts for DCU alumni, through industry supported and endowed scholarships, awards and prizes, to opportunities to study abroad, there are over 70 different scholarship programmes open to those who choose DCU postgraduate study.  

Postgraduate Scholarships, Awards & Prizes
30% Club Business School
30% Club Faculty of Engineering & Computing
ACCA Prize for best overall result on MSc in International Accounting and Business
Alumni Scholarship Scheme DCUBS
Alumni Scholarship Scheme FEC
Alumni Scholarship Scheme FSH
Alumni Scholarship Scheme HSS
Alumni Scholarship Scheme IOE
Business School Best Digital Presentation
Business School Doctoral Colloquium Awards
Business School PhD Scholarships
Catherine Mahon Award - PMEP
CIPD Prize for Best Dissertation on MSc in Work & Organisational Behaviour
Clinton Scholarships
DCU Garda Síochána Scholarship
DCU International Merit Scholarships
DCU Masters Reduced Fees
DCU PG Intel Scholarships
DCU USA Masters Scholarships
Doctor of Education Religious Education Bursaries
Endowed Alumni Scholarship
Enterprise Ireland Promotional Scholarship
ESB Prize for Best Dissertation (Information is provided by the Faculty when the scholarship is open)
Excel Scholarship Scheme
EY Prize for 1st in MSc in: Accounting (Cash prize)
EY Prize for Best Research Portfolio in MSc in Accounting (Cash Prize)
FEC International Scholarship
FEC Masters by Research 
FEC Merit Scholarship (Information is provided by the Faculty when the scholarship is open)
Frank Rock Medal Award (previously Pearse Walsh Medal)
FSH Merit Scholarship (Information is provided by the Faculty when the scholarship is open)
Fullbright Douglass Award 2023
Geoffrey O'Bryne White IAA Scholarship
George Moore Scholars
GPA DCU Masters Scholarship Programme
GPA Women's Masters Scholarship
GPA/DCU Masters Scholarship Programme
Humanities Bursary
IRC Government of Ireland Scheme
Irish Diaspora Alliance
Irish Learning Support Association - Graduate Diploma in Learning Support
Irish Tax Institute Prize for 1st in Tax on MSc in Accounting (Cash prize)
James Downey Memorial Prize
John Smith - PMEP
John Thompson Memorial Scholarship
MA in Chaplaincy Bursaries (FT)
MA in Theology & World Religions Scholarship
Mark Morgan - MEd
Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education- Catholic Education PhD Scholarships
Michael Jordan Fellowship
MITB - KKR Prize for 1st Place in Banking
Mitchell Scholarships (US/ Ireland Alliance) Accommodation
Naughton M Ed STEM Scholars 50% fee
Naughton M Ed STEM Scholars full fee
Outstanding Graduate Researcher Award
Paul Kerley - Autism and Inclusion M.Ed Scholarships
PG Accommodation Scholarships (Information is provided by the Faculty when the scholarship is open)
PG Research Travel Fund
PhD Bursaries (PT & FT)
PhD full-time Bursaries
Pierce Memorial Student of the Year for MBA
PME - The IoE PME Student of the Year Award
Schwarzman Scholars
Teagasc Prize for Programme Informal Learning Leader of the Year on Graduate Certificate in Strategic Leadership (Information is provided by the Faculty when the scholarship is open)
Teagasc Prize for Top Student on Graduate Certificate in Strategic Leadership (Information is provided by the Faculty when the scholarship is open)
University of Sanctuary (PG) Fees
Vere Foster (INTO) - PMEP
VHI Prize for top dissertation grade in their cohort in MSc in Work and Organisational Psychology/Behaviour