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Faculty of Engineering and Computing

Scholarships and Awards

30% Scholarship Club
30% Scholarship Club

The DCU Faculty of Engineering and Computing is delighted to announce, that it will again be supporting the development of female leadership in the STEM sector, by offering a scholarship to an eligible female. This year, there will be one scholarship available for one of our masters programmes within the faculty for students studying on a part-time basis, starting in September 2025. The 30% club scholarships aim to advance female leadership and increase diversity in organisations. 

This scholarship will cover the full cost of a master's programme and will be awarded on a competitive basis. The scholarship is awarded in conjunction with the 30% Club. Globally, the 30% Club is establishing partnerships with Universities to rectify the under-representation of women at senior levels in organisations, particularly apparent in the STEM sector. One of the mechanisms being employed to achieve this is by supporting women to undertake postgraduate technology courses.

For more information you can download the information booklet here. Enquiries and applications for the 30% club scholarship in the DCU Faculty of Engineering and Computing can be directed to Aine Nolan, aine.nolan@dcu.ie.



Intel Women in Technology award
Intel Women in Technology award

The Intel Women in Technology scholarship program offers a monetary grant, valued at €3,000 per annum, as well as opportunities for work placements at the Intel Leixlip and Shannon campuses. Each scholar is also assigned a mentor who is an Intel employee to assist and provide advice on managing their academic career.

Congratulations to Ciara O'Reilly, a third-year Mechatronic student at DCU Faculty of Engineering & Computing, who was awarded €3,000 by Intel in 2022 as part of their Women in Technology awards.


Expo prize winners
Expo prize winners

The Faculty of Engineering and Computing holds the Final Year Project Expo at the end of each academic year with an on-campus celebration of its soon-to-be graduates and their final-year projects.  Attended by a host of internal and external partners. Students who attend to present their projects are given a percentage towards their final year marks.  

Expo 2022 student prize winners
Chloe Ward   
Joanna Talvo
Kealan O'Connor
Peter Brown
Expo 2021 student prize winners
Ciaran Palmer
Kyle McCann
Expo 2020 student prize winners
Jade O’Connor 
Shane Tuite
Expo 2019 student prize winners
Edward Maguire
Dillin Corbett
Cathal Hughes
Niall Lyons
Shane Daly
Maimuna Ahmet
Intel Scholarship Awards
Intel Scholarship Awards

Intel Ireland has announced the recipients of its Masters scholarships and undergraduate awards. This is the latest round of the programme, which first began in 2018.

The programme forms part of an ongoing strategic partnership between Intel and DCU which was further strengthened following the signing of a memorandum of understanding by the head of Intel’s Irish operations, Eamonn Sinnott, and the former President of DCU, Professor Brian MacCraith, in 2017.

As part of the programme the DCU students selected to receive Masters scholarships will receive a monetary grant as well as ongoing support and mentor provision by Intel. The eligible students for these scholarships are each studying Masters programmes in Electronic and Computer Engineering or Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.

2021/22 Undergraduate Awards  
Aimee Shanley Luke William Bryan
Benjamin Renwick Jaume Ros Alonso
Emils Zep Eoghan Healy
Eoghan Craven-Grace Padhraic Byrne
Fiona O'Shea Oscar Scanlon
Julianne Daly Nevil Shaji
Karina Martinez Matthieu Crampon
2020/21 Undergraduate Awards 2020/21 Postgraduate Awards
Oisin Thurlow Conor Flynn (Conchur O Floinn)
Wojtek Sychowicz Brian Dufficy
Patriks Vitols Jegurs Colin Leonard
Stephen Jack Condon Michael Long
Andrea McGlynn Siddharth Sharma
Royes Assaduzzaman Sharif Catherine Sneha Velangani
Eamon Kilheaney Nishitha Ravi
Aoife Harte Mark Murray
Cathal Kavanagh Joao Marcos Ribeiro Rodrigues
Chloe Maria Carey Jordan Morrissey
Niall Holligan  
Shona O'Sullivan  
2019/20 Postgraduate Awards 2019/20 Undergraduate Awards 
Charlotte Sommacal Emily O'Reilly
Paul James Banahan Zijian Li
Sanjana Prasad Sivakumar Vivek Raj
Mahmoud K.M. Elsousy Keith Carroll
Abhishmita Gogoi Kalita Shane Cheshire
Fergus Redmond Shane Tuite
Shubham Madhukar Sonarghare Sean Flynn
Prateek Sahni Niamh Murray
Arunkumar Balasubramaniam Kevin Shaji Paul
Mohammad Sharik Khan Amelia McGuinness
Melroy Cordeiro Aodhagan Watters
Geo George Jacob Eamon Kilheaney
Evan Murphy Michael Long
Viljamas Eitutis  


Tony Moynihan award
Tony Moynihan award

The Tony Moynihan award is an annual award given to the best undergraduate final-year project in Computing. Here is a list of previous awardees: 

Cliodhna Harrison & Maciej Swierad
Mr. Sean Fradl & Mr Conor Mc Govern
Jake Grogan & Conor Mulready
Russell Brady
Rory O'Connor Award
Rory O'Connor Award

The Rory O'Connor Award is annual award for the the student with the highest overall mark in their final year undergraduate computing degree. The previous winners are:

Anthony Reidy
Mr. Stefano Puzzuoli
Jake Grogan
Cathal Hughes




Faculty Research Scholarships
Faculty Research Scholarships

Faculty Research Scholarships

The Faculty occasionally funds research students on a 2-year masters or 4-year PhD programme, however, at present, there are no scholarships available. 

Faculty Research Scholarship Previous Winners are:
Niall Cullinane (EE)
2021/22 - 2024/25
 Rudali Huidrom (CA)
2020/21 - 2021/22
Hongde Wu (EE)
2018/19 - 2019/20 

Golestan Salimbeigi (MME)







Gaelic Players Association Masters Scholarships
Gaelic Players Association Masters Scholarship

The Gaelic Players Association and the DCU Faculty of Engineering and Computing will co-fund one scholarships for a student on one of our Masters programmes to the value of €3,000. This scholarship will be awarded to a Gaelic Players Association member through a competitive process.

Applications should be emailed to Karen Thorpe karen@gaelicplayers.com with the subject marked ‘DCU/GPA Scholarship.’ The application includes a personal statement which should be no more than one A4 page in length. It should outline why the applicant is interested in applying for this programme, what they believe they will gain from the programme and what skills and attributes they can bring to a masters classroom. Applicants should also enclose their CV.

The deadline for this scholarship for 2022/23 will be announced shortly and shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview.