The A to Z of Support Units

Theme: Support Units
Available supports and Support Units
Check out the A-Z topics below curated by your SAL team:
What we do
The Alumni office provides lifelong engagement opportunities for all our graduates both domestically and internationally. The first step of this relationship begins with you, as you start your DCU journey. We are committed to developing a lifelong mutually supportive relationship with our graduates. You are now part of this unique global and permanent community.
Connections overseas
With over 100 nationalities in DCU, we have alumni based all over the world, in recent years we have hosted international chapter events in London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Washington DC, New York, Boston, San Francisco, Hong Kong and Japan. We work with students and recent graduates to connect them with alumni abroad for advice, job opportunities and invitations to alumni chapter events with fellow DCU graduates. We truly are a global Alumni community.
Networking, Alumni Events and Mentorship
Our first priority is to help people network and connect with fellow graduates. The Alumni Office provides a range of engagement opportunities throughout the year, we host interesting events on and off campus, nationally and internationally. Keep an eye on our social media to register for lectures, seminars, tournaments, lunches, networking and more. The Alumni Office and Careers Service provide an award winning Graduate to Student Mentorship Programme for second year students, this programme pairs students with alumni mentors to advance career skills and graduate engagement.
Register now to Keep in Touch!
We encourage you to register your contact details and your preferred email address to avoid missing out on any of our invitations, events and updates. dcu.ie/keepintouch or by scanning the QR code.
We will keep in touch through our annual Alumni magazine’ DCU Voices’, monthly newsletter, social media and emails. Over the coming months we will be in touch to invite you to; attend Alumni events, join our programmes, and celebrate the achievements of our Alumni Award recipients.
For all our latest updates, connect with DCU Alumni on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook @DCUAlumni, by email alumni@dcu.ie or learn more at dcu.ie/alumni
Careers Service
Welcome to DCU Careers Service.
The Careers Service helps students explore career options, prepare for the workplace while in college and succeed in your careers. We provide guidance to identify, prepare, and achieve your career ideas and goals.
Our main office is on the ground floor of the Henry Grattan Building, Glasnevin Campus, room CG26 and we also have an office on St. Patrick's Campus.
We provide:
- One - to - one career guidance appointments including: career planning, options with degree, job search techniques, CV and application advice, interview preparation.
- Jobs Board available on MyCareer.dcu.ie
- Skills sessions and webinars on topics such as CVs and Cover Letters, Interview Skills, Job Applications, Successful Networking, Transition to the Workplace, and Further Study.
- Careers Events to connect you with employers, learn more about the opportunities they offer, meet and chat to get a feel for who they are.
- Online Career Tools ranging from a Careers Hub on Loop, CareerSet CV Builder, Shortlist Me Mock Interview Platform, to career interest assessments on the careers website.
- Our award-winning Mentorship Programme gives you a fantastic opportunity to be mentored by an industry professional during your second year of study. Our professionals come from a selected group of DCU graduates and employers who are uniquely placed to help you explore your career ideas and give you insights into the world of work.
To help you get started, log-in to MyCareer.dcu.ie and complete your Career Profile and check out our website dcu.ie/careers. Or get in touch at: MyCareer.dcu.ie
T: +353 1 700 5163
Chaplaincy Services
DCU Chaplaincy is located within the University’s Student Support and Development (SS&D). The team consists of four Chaplains working across three Campuses and three key faith spaces; Inter Faith Centre (Glasnevin Campus), Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Chapel (St Patrick’s Campus) and All Hallows Chapel (All Hallows Campus). In addition, there is also an upper quiet room, a multi-faith Oratory and a non religious quiet space on St Patrick’s Campus and a Labyrinth and Memorial Garden on the Glasnevin Campus, which are connected with Chaplaincy. While each Chaplain is rooted in a religious tradition, the team serves those of religious perspective and those of none and also strongly encourages inter-faith dialogue and cooperation.
The Chaplains provide many services, including:
- Serving the University with a particular focus on the holistic wellbeing and flourishing of all students
- Being a supportive and caring presence when people are vulnerable
- Supporting and celebrating the dignity of every individual
- Welcoming and supporting the diversity of faith traditions and secular convictions
- Providing a hospitable space/presence for all who wish to avail of our service
- Nurturing the reflective and spiritual capacities of the DCU Community
- Engaging creatively in dialogue about issues to do with faith and the University
- Community outreach and engagement
Glasnevin Campus and All Hallows Campus:
Fr Seamus McEntee
Inter Faith Centre
T: +353 1 700 5268
Mr. Eric Hughes
Inter Faith Centre
T: +353 1 700 5977
St Patrick’s Campus, Drumcondra:
Ms Anne O’Farrrell
Room No: C201
T: +353 1 700 9141
Fr Ultan Naughton ss.cc.
Room No: A 109
T: +353 83 3828130
For more information see:
The on-campus crèche provides a professional day-care service for infants and young children of students and staff of DCU. The fees for 2024/ 2025 are €220 per week / €953 per month for babies and wobblers and €205 per week / €888 per month for Toddlers and Montessori children. Various part-time fees are available for Montessori-aged children (2.5–5 years) Full-time students who are using the crèche on a full-time basis may obtain a subsidy from the Student Financial Assistance Fund (Means Tested).
- The schemes we offer now are ECCE (Early Childhood Care & Education) and NCS (National childcare subsidy)
- Opening hours 8:15am - 5:45pm Monday - Thursday, 8:15am - 5:30pm Fridays.
It is strongly advised to make an early application if you intend to use the crèche. All rooms currently have a waiting list (Sept 2024).
For further details on Magic Days creche please contact Ciara (manager) Sharon or Natalie (supervisors) on:
T 01 700 5200
Disability & Learning Support Service
DCU offers a range of services and supports for all students with a disability, specific learning difficulty, or long-term medical condition. This service is coordinated by the Disability & Learning Support Service.
While the support available is based on individual needs, it may include some of the following:
• Educational Needs Assessment
• Occupational Therapist-led Support
• Personal Assistants
• Assistive technology
• Examination support
If you think you may need access to some of the above support services, please do not hesitate to contact the Disability Officer to discuss your options. An initial consultation will take approximately 45 minutes and you will need to bring along supporting medical documentation.
If you wish to chat about this further or have any questions, drop in or call to arrange an appointment. For more information:
T: +353 1 700 5927
English Language Support
The English Language School at Dublin City University specialises in English courses for non-native speakers of English. Our school offers a wide range of courses including General English, Academic Year Programmes, IELTS, Cambridge, TOEFL and TOEIC exam preparation programmes, Teacher Training programmes (First, Second & Third Level) and University & Junior Group programmes.
DCU Language Services Ltd
Office VBG11
Dublin City University
Glasnevin Campus
Dublin 9
Further Information:
T: +353 1 700 8066 / 8077
Campus Print is a printing, binding, and photocopy company located on the first floor of ‘The U Building’ (Glasnevin Campus). The service includes poster printing (up to A0 size) with quick turnaround time, colour printing and copying, high volume black and white document production along with binding, laminating and thesis printing (both Softcover and Hardcover). Just email your files to them at campus.print@dcu.ie
Photocopying: There are also photocopying machines located throughout campus including the library and Students’ Union. Copy cards can be obtained from the Students’ Union reception and the library.
Printing Colour and Mono printing is available in all the ISS managed computer labs and the Library. You may print from any of the PCs in a lab or from your personal laptop over the wireless network (in some areas). This printing system is called Papercut and can be accessed with your DCU username and password.
For more information on the GPAS system Papercut please use the following link:
Printing Services for Students
Further Information:
Opening hours
Monday – Friday 9.00am -5.00pm all year long.
T: +353 1 700 8954 (Glasnevin Campus)
Room Bookings
At some stage throughout your time at University, you may need to use a classroom or book a room for a meeting, club, or society event or activity. There are a number of ways of booking some time in one of the many rooms throughout the University campus. It is important to note that rooms will be more readily available in the evenings and weekends, than during the day, due to lectures taking place. Don’t forget to clean up after yourself and make sure the room is left as you found it. Rooms on campus are only available to Club and Society members who are hosting an event or a meeting.
For further information, Email: bookings@dcu.ie
Other Rooms Available:
Inter Faith Centre, T: +353 1 700 5491, E: interfaithcentre@dcu.ie
The U Building T: +353 1 700 5392, E: roombookings.osl@dcu.ie
Student Advice and Learning Skills Centre (SAL)
Students may have various questions about their studies, personal circumstances or professional development, which they wish to discuss with a Student Advisor. Student Advisors can speak to students about any aspect of their lives at university and refer them to individuals or other services, where relevant.
On the DCU Glasnevin Campus and DCU St Patrick's Campus, call into either Student Advice and Learning Skills Centre (SAL). It is a one-stop shop where students of DCU can receive advice and guidance on all matters academic, personal, financial, and professional. We also offer online one-to-one life skills coaching and group programmes such as 'Pathways to Success', helping students identify goals and frameworks to help them reach their full potential.
Incoming Students
We would like to welcome all new students for the 2024/2025 academic year.
For more information on life at DCU, browse the A-Z Guide for Incoming Students
We hope you will avail of our services and make the most of your university life. All students and staff are welcome to phone or email and our staff will be on call to help.
To make an appointment with an Advisor please click here
Contact Details:
Glasnevin Campus SAL
Henry Grattan Building - Ground floor - CG00
T+ 353 1 700 7165
St. Patrick's Campus SAL
C Block - Ground floor - C101
T: +353 1 700 9018
Follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DCU.StudentSupport