Our Service
The DCU Student Advice and Learning Skills Centre (SAL), a unit of Student Support & Development supports students in their transition to university and throughout their student journey towards graduation. The services are provided to the entire student population across all campuses and online.
We have more information about SAL and what students can expect outlined below.
- Advice and guidance on all matters academic, personal and financial, delivered in a professional manner.
- Active listening and a space to work through a variety of options available, developing your personal support plan.
- A safe environment to discuss your personal concerns in a discreet manner.
- Accurate information provided to students and staff in a timely manner.
- Quality programmes, workshops and online resources.
- Liaising with faculties to provide support and guidance.
- Accurate recordkeeping of all meetings, correspondence and decisions, in line with the DCU Data Protection Policy.
- The gathering of feedback on our service provision in order to inform enhancements.
- By providing a range of supports directly to students.
- By linking students with services within SS&D, across the University and external agencies.
- To treat staff with respect.
- To attend meetings and to give advance notice for rescheduling/cancelling meetings.
- To take responsibility for following up on any agreed action plan.
Normally, appointments will take place between advisors and students. We understand that, in some circumstances, you may wish to bring a third party (friend, parent, guardian, etc.) When you make an appointment, we will ask you to indicate your preference in advance of the meeting.
Our service adheres to the DCU Contact with Third Parties Policy and will not discuss a student with any third party.
There are five exceptions to this confidentiality:
- In cases of emergency
- In cases where the student has given express permission in writing
- When, in accordance with legislation, student data is provided on a confidential basis to the Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs for the purpose of identifying possible abuses of the Social Welfare System
- When a written signed request is made by the GardaĆ stating that the information is needed to prevent, detect or investigate a criminal offence
- In compliance with an Order for Discovery by the Courts.