Pensions | Pre 2013

Pensions Pre 2013
I joined DCU before 2013
If you joined DCU before 1 January 2013, you may be a member of the DCU Superannuation Scheme, a ‘pay as you go’ scheme. It’s a defined benefit scheme, which means superannuation benefits (your pension and lump sum payments in retirement) are based on your years of service and final salary.
Your awards are also based on when you joined the public service:
- Before 6 April 1995: see specific information about your scheme in Explanatory Booklet 1.
- After 6 April 1995 and before 1 April 2004: see specific information about your scheme in Explanatory Booklet 2.
- On or after 1 April 2004: see specific information about your scheme in Explanatory Booklet 3.
Want more information about your public service pension scheme?
As a class D PRSI non-new entrant, you contribute both:
- 5% of your gross pensionable salary to your main scheme
- 1.5% of your gross pensionable salary for spouse and children’s pension.
As a class A PRSI non-new entrant, you make all these contributions:
- 1.5% of your gross pensionable salary to your main scheme
- 3.5% of your net pensionable salary* to your main scheme
1.5% of your pensionable salary for spouse and children’s pension.
*net pay is gross salary less two times the State Pension Contributory
As a class A PRSI new entrant, you make all these contributions:
- 1.5% of your gross pensionable salary to your main scheme
- 3.5% of your net pensionable salary* to your main scheme
1.5% of pensionable salary for spouse and children’s pension.
*net pay is gross salary less two times the State Pension Contributory
The Pension Levy that came into effect on 1 March 2009 has since been renamed as the Additional Superannuation Contribution (ASC), a tax payable by public sector employees.
Find out more about ASCs from DCU Finance. See the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform website for further information.