Space Management
Welcome to the Space Management section of the University's Website.
For DCU, physical space is a finite and valuable resource. It requires careful stewardship to ensure so that it is developed to reduce the University’s environmental impact while increasing the University’s ability to discover and share knowledge. Space needs to be used efficiently and distributed fairly to achieve this.
The space needs of the University are constantly evolving in response to the University’s strategic plans and financial position and the fluctuating needs of different schools, research institutes, support units, campus companies, and other users of University space, in addition to external influences such as technological change and regulatory change. It is necessary, therefore, to constantly review how space is being managed.
The University's Space Management Policy can be accessed at the link below.
The Space Management Committee (SPC) is a committee of the University Executive and is the steward of the University’s existing space. It manages space so that it is used to further the University’s strategy. This means space needs for education, research, innovation, and engagement activities is prioritised, and that space is managed to reduce the University’s environmental impact. Space is a limited resource, and significant resources are required to construct and maintain buildings. It is necessary therefore for the University to manage space with maximum efficiency and flexibility.
1) The Space Management Committee acts on the delegated authority of the University Executive.
2) The Space Management Committee is responsible for making decisions on the following:
the allocation of new University space to different schools, units, faculties, or areas;
the reallocation of existing University space between faculties, areas, campus companies or third parties;
a change of use or configuration of space within the space envelope of a school, unit, campus company, third party, faculty or area; or
changes to timetabled teaching space.
3) In making decisions to allocate or reallocate University space; or when reviewing the space envelopes of units, faculties, or areas; or when deciding whether to recommend the development of new University space; the Space Management Committee will:
foreground sustainability as a determinant amongst the options available;
improve inclusivity in new and refurbished space through the application of universal design;
promote collegiality and efficient use of resources through shared space; and
ensure decisions on space allocation are informed by the available data.
4) The Space Management Committee may:
reallocate space held by one faculty, area, campus company, or third parties to another one of these entities at any time, or require a space to be vacated by the personnel or the faculty, area, campus company, or third parties that occupy that space;
conduct space audits or other measures to monitor space usage;
recommend space norms to the University Executive for approval;
recommend refurbishment norms to the University Executive for approval;
recommend budgetary models related to space to the University Executive for approval;
require the utilisation of open plan offices and mandate works to increase the volume of open plan office space; and
require the shared use of space or facilities.
5) The Space Management Committee will consider and respond to issues referred to it by the University Executive relating to University space.
The following will be members of the Space Management Committee:
Chair (appointed by the Chief Operations Officer)
Academic Secretary
Chief Operations Officer
Deputy Chief Operations Officers
Director of Estates
Nominee of the President
Secretary to the Space Management Committee
Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Registrar
Vice-President for Research
The Space Management Committee will be supported by the Estates Office.
The Space Management Committee will meet at least four times per year.
The quorum for meetings of the Space Management Committee will be one third of members.
Normally decisions of the Space Management Committee will be reached by consensus. Where in the opinion of the Chair consensus is not possible on an issue, the Chair may call a vote. A decision by vote shall be reached by a simple majority. In the case of a tie, the Chair shall have the casting vote.
Members of the Space Management Committee may not nominate others to attend meetings on their behalf.
The Space Management Committee may establish, whether from within its own membership or otherwise, such subgroups and advisory groups as it thinks fit to advise it on any matter covered by these terms of reference.
1) The Space Management Committee shall be accountable, and report, to the University Executive with reports indicating items for decision and items for communication to the University Executive. Items for decision should be accompanied by the recommendation of the Group.
2) The Space Management Committee will submit reports to the University Executive as required. At least once per year, the Group will submit a report that contains:
An overview of space allocation, to include a commentary on trends, with the following breakdowns:
By school, unit, faculty, area, campus company or third party.
By function, e.g. teaching, research, innovation, engagement, or commercial activity.
Notice of any barriers encountered that obstructed the Group from fulfilling its terms of reference, to include a report of actions being taken or recommendations to overcome such barriers.
Notice of emerging space needs or shortages that could constrain operations or strategic performance.
Any queries with regard to a potential space need should be directed to:
Mary Whelan
Space Planning Coordinator
DCU Estates Office
Tel: 01 700 5242
Email: space.request@dcu.ie