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Office of the Chief Operations Officer

Disciplinary Committee


Welcome to the Disciplinary Committee section of the University's website. 

The mission of Dublin City University is to transform lives and societies through education, research and innovation. By registering for a programme in the University a student undertakes to behave in a manner consistent with the achievement of this mission and this includes accepting the rights and responsibilities of membership of the University community.

To effectively manage disciplinary matters as they relate to students the University employs a formal Student Code of Conduct & Discipline. The code provides for a Disciplinary Committee (DC) and this section of the University’s website provides information on how the Disciplinary Committee conducts it affairs.

The Secretary to the Committee is the Chief Operations Officer (COO) and administrative support to the Committee is provided by the Office of the COO. 

In addition to the DC there is a separate, and distinct, Disciplinary Appeals Committee (DAC). Further information on appeals to the DAC is provided in the section below.