Martin Ward - Deputy COO

Martin Ward
Martin Ward is a Deputy Chief Operations Officer at Dublin City University and works closely with the Chief Operations Officer, in the management of the corporate and secretarial functions of the University, and the oversight of legal functions for both the University and its associated campus companies, in a multi-campus environment. Martin is also the designated Data Protection Officer for the University.
A qualified accountant, Martin also holds a MSc in Information Technology for Accountants. He is a qualified Company Secretary and a graduate member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA) and recently completed a MSc in Management and Corporate Governance at Ulster University.
Prior to commencing his current position, Martin was Secretary/Bursar of St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, from 2000 to 2016. In that capacity he was a member of the President’s senior management group and an ex-officio member of Governing Body and the College Management Committee. He had a leadership and managerial role in the planning and delivery of the €50 million redevelopment of St Patrick’s Campus.
Martin was a member of the DCU Incorporation Board from March 2014 to September 2016. During that period, he was also a member of a number of Incorporation Project workstreams such as Campus and Services, and Strategy and Business Planning. These workstreams supported the strategic planning for the transition of the incorporating institutions to the new DCU in September 2016.
Martin has a particular interest in educational and development research and was a member of the three-person, APSO-funded educational research project, based in Zimbabwe. Over the years, he has participated in the Zambia Ireland Teacher Education Programme (ZITEP) funded by Irish Aid and continues his involvement in ZITEP.