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Office of the Chief Operations Officer

Safety Statement - Office of the Chief Operations Officer


The purpose of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, is to ensure the safety, health and welfare of all employees in the workplace. The Act applies to employees in all types of work and embraces all the activities of Dublin City University (DCU).

In compliance with the Act, the University has prepared a written Framework Safety Statement describing the employer arrangements and the employee co-operation necessary to achieve this purpose. In addition, the Framework Safety Statement (see link below) outlines the University’s policies on occupational health and safety matters and defining the necessary management structure for the implementation of these policies. Specific health and safety issues of relevance to the University as a whole are detailed in this Framework Safety statement.

In compliance with the DCU Framework Safety Statement, the Office of the Chief Operations Officer has prepared a Local Safety Statement (see link below), documenting our own hazards, risks, risk control protective and preventive measures and resources for the Office of the Chief Operations Officer ensuring a safe and healthy work environment. This Safety Statement is aimed at protecting employees, students and visitors from potential injury or ill-health arising from our work activities.

This Safety Statement will be updated as necessary in light of new legislation, staff feedback, university structural changes and practical experience. In addition, the Safety Statement will be reviewed annually.