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Office of the Chief Operations Officer

Safezone at DCU - FAQs

Check out our SafeZone FAQs for any questions you may have. If these don't answer your question, email safezone@dcu.ie.

Will I be tracked all the time?

No, the SafeZone app only shares your location with Campus Security when you press one of the three alert buttons (Emergency, First Aid, Help), or Check-In.

Even then, your location is only ever shared with Campus Security and the Safezone administrator.

Your right to privacy is always respected and you can cancel any alert or check-in at any time.

How long will it take Campus Security to reach me?

When your alert is activated, Campus Security will receive the alert within seconds and will either send someone to you immediately and/or call you back.

Will the app drain my battery?

SafeZone’s use of location services has been optimised to minimise battery draw-down so that it does not impact your day-to-day use of your smartphone.

SafeZone requires location services to be enabled, however it does not use your location until you press one of the alert or check-in buttons. It is only when you raise an alert, or check-in, that your location will be shared with Campus Security.

Where does SafeZone work?

SafeZone works on all the Dublin City University Campuses.  Regions are also created on request for use while staff or students are on University travel.

View the regions by tapping ‘Regions’ in the SafeZone app menu. 

If you are outside one of the regions e.g campuses and you press a SafeZone button, the app will offer a one-tap call to local emergency services instead. This feature works anywhere in the world.  If you contact the emergency services using the app while outside the University Campus, DCU Security will be alerted to this and to your location.

How do I download and register for SafeZone?

Go to SafeZone and enter the following basic information:

  • Name
  • Staff / student number
  • Mobile phone number
  • Photo (optional)
  • Medical info (optional eg diabetic, epilepsy etc)
  • Bike Serial number (optonal)

 Who else uses SafeZone?

View all the organisations using the app on the SafeZone website.