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Office of the Chief Operations Officer

DCU Postal Addresses & Eircodes


Welcome to the Postal Address & Eircode section of the University's Website. 

Since its creation in 1975, initially as a National Institute of Higher Education, Dublin City University (DCU) has grown substantially in terms of its geographical footprint. As of May 2023 it now extends across three academic campuses (with circa 70 separate buildings), one research park (DCU Alpha) plus two separate sport facilities (i.e. Morton Stadium and the DCU Sports Campus). 

Due to DCU's size and complexity it is essential that there is a system in place to manage the allocation of formal postal addresses and Eircodes across all of its separate locations. The Office of the Chief Operations Officer (OCOO) is the unit responsible for managing that process. 

The purpose of this webpage is to provide an overview of how DCU manages its postal addresses and the Eircodes attached to them.