Campus Development Plan
The Office of the Chief Operations Officer is responsible for the primary management of the University's capital projects. Accordingly, this section of the University's website provides some background information on the major capital projects that are already underway, or are intended to be soon.
In April 2016 the University embarked upon an ambitious Campus Development Plan. Further information on that plan may be accessed at the link below.
For further information on some of the the University's current capital projects please click on the relevant links below.
This project is currently on hold
The proposed new student residences project on the Glasnevin Campus will consist of the demolition of the existing sports pitches and the Larkfield Student Residences building to allow for the development of approximately 1,231 new en-suite bedrooms for on-campus student accommodation.
The project will provide seven new buildings (of approximately 50,000 m2), with associated public realm and landscaped areas. It will include a number of ancillary spaces, along with the provision of multi-functional spaces at ground floor level for commercial, conference, seminar and/or student support purposes.
Last updated 18th June 2024.
As a public body in receipt of Exchequer funding the University is required to apply certain practices, procedures and guidelines, as set out by various Irish government departments, with regard to the management and control of its capital works projects.
To address these requirements the University's Executive adopted an initial Capital Works Framework in November 2015 and subsequently updated it, most recently in October 2022. The Framework sets out, at a high level, how the University's senior management seeks to exercise control and meet its oversight responsibilities for the the management of capital works that are either initiated by the University, or one of its wholly owned subsidiary companies.
Members of staff who wish to view the current Framework may access it the link below.
Framework for the Management of Capital Works
Note: Access to DCU Staff Only Links
The Framework can only be viewed by DCU Staff members. If you are a member of DCU's Staff, and cannot see or access the Framework at the link above for whatever reason, then please log onto the page from a different device or browser page and provide your DCU Multi-Factor Authentication details when prompted to do so.