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Office of the Chief Operations Officer

Robbie Roulston - Deputy COO

Robbie Roulston

Robbie Roulston 

Dr. Robbie Roulston is one of two Deputy Chief Operations Officers in Dublin City University, where he works to support and enhance the academic endeavours of the University as well as projecting good governance throughout University’s operations.

He has almost 20 years' experience in higher education as a student, lecturer, and administrator. He is specialised in higher education governance and administration and has expert knowledge of Irish higher education operations, policy, and strategy and a proven record of initiating reform to support institutional strategy and effective higher education management.

Robbie joined the Office of the Chief Operations Officer in September 2022. Before that he worked in University College Dublin (UCD) in the University Secretariat where he managed strategic projects, the secretariat support for the University Management Team, and the university’s policy management framework.

Before working in higher education management, Robbie completed a PhD in history, which investigated the relationship between the Church of Ireland and the Irish state between 1950-1972 in the areas of education, healthcare, and social services. He was awarded the Albert Lovett Scholarship in History by UCD and a Government of Ireland Postgraduate Research Scholarship by the Irish Research Council to undertake this research.