News at DCU
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Professor Brian MacCraith, President of Dublin City University signs the Sustainable Energy Action Ireland Public Sector Energy Partnership Agreement L-R Professor Brian MacCraith, President, Dublin City University and Dr Brian Motherway, Chief Executive Officer, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
ategory II winners, Hannah Gallagher and Cian McGarvey from Falcarragh Community College, Co Donegal.
Dr. Eric Clinton and DCU Students
Photo Caption (L-R):Professor Michael Moriarty; Professor Brian MacCraith, President of Dublin City University
Prof. Hequn Zou, Southern Medical University, China, Dr. Emanuele Barborini, Tethis Lab, Italy, Prof Harry Holthofer: National Centre for Sensor Research, DCU and Dr. Bengt Nielson, European Research Manager, GE Healthcare, Sweden