Centre for Medical Engineering Research

We are continually looking to recruit and develop a diverse and dynamic research team that will help us to deliver the mission and research agenda of the MEDeng Centre.
To meet this end, we invite expressions of interest and a short curriculum vitae from high-calibre candidates, with outstanding records of academic achievements that are interested in undertaking research within one of the thematic areas of the Centre. Please email all applications to: nicholas.dunne@dcu.ie
Note expressions of interest should include:
- Specific research theme of the MEDeng Centre that you are most interested in
- Cover letter detailing your academic background and research experience and interests
- A short curriculum vitae
- Details of your conference and journal publications
More information on Funding Opportunities for PhD studentships and Postdoctoral Fellowships can be found at:
- Irish Research Council (http://www.research.ie/sites/default/files/career_progression_pdf.pdf )
- Wellcome Trust Biomedical (https://wellcome.ac.uk/funding/scheme-finder )
- Marie Curie Actions (http://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/)