About the Medical Engineering (MEDeng) Research Centre
About the Medical Engineering (MEDeng) Research Centre
Welcome to the Centre for Medical Engineering Research (MEDeng) at Dublin City University (DCU), which was established in 2011. The Centre brings together academics, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers from across the Faculties of DCU, as well as academic researchers from national institutions, industrial collaborators and clinicians. The main aim of MEDeng is to foster multidisciplinary education and research enabling the translation of technological advancements in Medical Engineering to reduce patient discomfort and suffering. The Centre’s research programme is funded from international and national research councils, charitable funding organisations and industry.
The MEDeng Centre is located in the Stokes building at DCU, which provides excellent research infrastructure and resources to conduct fundamental and applied research on medical devices and implants, integrating innovative research from design, materials synthesis, through manufacturing technology to experimental and computational evaluation and analysis.
Students looking at a career in Medical Engineering may be interested in the Biomedical Engineering Degrees programmes at DCU. The School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, in co-operation with the School of Biotechnology and the School of Electronic Engineering offer Engineers Ireland accredited BEng and MEng Degree options, which have been designed in consultation with the healthcare industry and medical community, ensuring that student’s receive a relevant, up-to-date and exciting education. There are also openings to join the MEDeng Centre as a PhD or postdoctoral researcher – specific details can be found at ‘Opportunities’.
The MEDeng website provides a snapshot of the education and research activities ranging from People, Research Themes, Education and Research Highlights. If you would like follow-up on any aspect of our education or research portfolio, please email nicholas.dunne@dcu.ie.
Funding Bodies
- Belfast Arthroplasty Research Trust, UK
- Enterprise Ireland
- Engineering Physical Science Research Council, UK
- European Commission - Research and Innovation Framework Programme
- European Commission - SME-Capacities Programme
- Department of Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland
- Health Research Board, Ireland
- Intertrade Ireland
- Invest Northern Ireland
- Innovate UK
- Irish Research Council
- Medical Research Council, UK
- Science Foundation Ireland
Academic Partners
- Professor Marc Bohner, Robert Mathys Foundation, Switzerland
- Prof. Pieter Brama, University College Dublin, Ireland
- Professor Mat Dalby, Glasgow University, UK
- Professor Lucy Di Silvio, Kings College London, UK
- Dr. Tom Flanagan, University College Dublin, Ireland
- Professor Maria Pau-Ginebra, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
- Dr. Andrew Hamilton, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
- Professor Tammy Haut-Donahue, Colorado State University, USA
- Professor Daniel Kelly, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- Dr. James Kennedy, Athlone IT, Ireland
- Dr. Alex Lennon, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
- Professor Xiaoming Li, Beihang University, China
- Dr. Helen McCarthy, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
- Professor Joseph McGeough, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Dr. Renata Nunes Oliveira, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Professor Fergal O’Brien, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Ireland
- Professor Elizabeth Tanner, Glasgow University, UK
- Professor Ruth Wilcox, Leeds University, UK
- Professor Ian Wilson, Cambridge University, UK
Industrial Partners
- Boston Scientific, Ireland
- Contipro Biotech, Czech Republic
- DePuy Synthes, UK
- Heraeus Kulzer GmbH, Germany
- Summit Medical Ltd., UK
- SurgaColl Technologies Ltd., Ireland
- Touchlight Genetics, UK
- Velox GmbH, Germany
- Professor David Beverland – Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon (Musgrave Park Hospital Belfast, UK)
- Professor David Foley - Consultant Cardiologist (Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Ireland)
- Mr. Frank Lyons - Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon (RCSI/University College Dublin/Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
- Dr. Niall McEniff - Consultant Radiologist (St. James Hospital Dublin, Ireland)
- Professor Cathal Moran - Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon (Santry Sports Clinic and Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
- Professor John O'Byrne - Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon (RCSI/Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital, Ireland)
- Dr. Alan O’Hare - Consultant Neuroradiologist (Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Ireland)
- Professor Richard Sheehan - Consultant Cardiologist and Electrophysiologist (Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, Ireland)