Woodlock Hall - Collections Subject Summary
B Philosophy - General
21 English and American
21.C 3 Cambridge Companion
29 Minor Collections
Ancient Philosophy
History of Philosophy
105 Special Topics
130 India
395 Criticism and interpretation
Medieval Philosophy
European Philosophers
765 European philosophers
765.T 5 Thomas Aquinas
Modern Philosophy
Special Topics
819 Existentialism
829.5 Phenomenology
United States
945.P 72 Hilary Putnam
945.R 787 Richard Rorty
995.L 83 Bernard Lonergan
995.L 84 Lonergan
England and Scotland
1450 David Hume
>Later 19th and 20th Century
1649.P 83 Karl Popper
1875 Descartes
>20th Century
2430.D 438 Derrida
.D 454 Deleuze
.F 762 Foucault
.K 75 Kristeva
2430.L 483 Levinas
.M 28 Jean-Luc Marion
.M 33 Maritain
.M 253 Marcel
.R 541 Ricoeur
.S 33 Sarte
.T 37 Teilhard de Chardin
.W 471Simone Weil
Germany and Austria
> 17th to Late 19th Century
2550 Leibniz
2750 Kant
2900 Hegel
> Late 19th and 20th Century
3199.A 5 Arendt
.A 34 Adorno
3213.B 84 Buber
3248.G 34 Gadamer
3257 Habermas
3279 Heidegger, Husserl, Jaspers
3305 Marx
3323 Pieper
3354 Voegelin
3376 Wittgenstein
3541 Richard Kearney
3640 Rosmini
BC Philosophy - Logic
177 Reasoning and argumentation
BD Philosophy - Speculative
171 Truth, error, certitude
418.3 Mind
450 Philosophical anthropology
500 General works
BF Philosophy - Psychology
173 Psychoanalysis
BH Philosophy - Aesthetics
39 General works
201 20th Century
BJ Philosophy - Ethics
History and General Works
1012 1961 -
Religious Ethics
1249 Catholic works
Ethics of Social Groups
1727 Bioethics
Social Usage
2193 Business ethics
BL Religion
Philosophy of Religion
60 Religion and sociology
80 Religions of the world
Religion and Science
240 1801 - 1950
2747 General works
BM Religion - Judaism
155 1801 - 1950
177 Talmud
354 Spain
Jewish Literature
487 Dead Sea scrolls
499 Talmudic literature
535 In relation to Christianity
BP Religion - Islam, Bahaism, Theosophy
General Works on Islam
161 1801 - 1950
173.6 Islam and the state
173.7 Islam and politics
BQ Christian Literature
310 Sources Chretiennes
314.A 5 Ancient Christian Writers
.F 2 The Fathers of the church
Greek Writers
1460 Gregory Nyssa
Latin Fathers to 636 A.D
5205.V 7 CSEL (Vienna)
Individual Authors
Western Authors 637 - 1564
6560 Erasmus
6835 Summa Theologica
6851 General Commentaries
Western Authors 1869 -
7401 Balthasar
7409 Congar
7445 de Lubac
7469.R 2 Rahner
BR Christianity
Authors 19th - 20th Centuries
83 Barth, Bonhoffer
Reformation & Counter-Reformation
333 Luther’s Theology
BS Scripture
General Works
483.2.A 53 Anchor Bible
680 Auxiliary topics
Old Testament
1110 Collections
.O 44 Old Testament Library
.S 95 Supplements to Vetus Testham
1115.J 86 JSOT Supplement series
O.T. General Works
1197 History
1199 Topics
Historical Books
1221 Pentateuch
1235 Genesis
1271 Deuteronomy
O.T. Books
1505 The Prophets
New Testament General Works
2280 Collections
.S 67 Society for N.T. Studies
2341.2.S 123 Sacra Pagina
2545 Topics in the N.T.
N.T. Books
2651 Pauline theology
2655 Topics in Paul
2825 Revelation and apocalypse
BT Theology
History of Theology
128 Twentieth century
The Church
310 Nature of Church
403 General works - Catholic
Dogmatic Theology
572 Trinity
618 Anthropology
1455 Eschatology
Moral Theology
1717 Text books
1722 Articles/Essays
1751 Principles of Moral Theology
1902 Life
1932 Sexuality
1939 Contraception
2011 Medical Ethics
Schools of Spirituality
2422 Teresa of Avila
Devotional Literature
2511 Individual authors
3222 General works
The Social Gospel
3425 Feminist theology
6051 Icons
BV Canon Law
12 Vatican Council
BX Church History
Special Periods
235 History of Latin Christianity
243 History of the Christian church
835 Reformation & Counter - Reformation
2055 Reformation
BY Society of Jesus
15.32 Ignatius of Loyola
27 History, Asia
30 History, United States
49 Biography, Collective
50 Biography, Individual
BZ Christian Denominations
9401 Calvinism
300 Social Sciences
301 Sociology & anthropology
302 Social Interaction
306 Culture & institutions
320 Political science
321 Systems of government
325 International migration
335.4 Marxian
337 Globalisation
338 Production
340 Law
355 Military science
362 Social welfare problems & services
370 Education
370.1 Philosophy & theory
378 Higher education
390 Customs, etiquette, folklore
390.09 Historical, geographical
393 Death customs
398 Folklore
400 Languages
401 Philosophy & theory
420 English & Old English languages
470 Latin & Italic languages
480 Classical & modern Greek languages
491 Irish
492 Semitic languages: Aramaic, Hebrew
495 Chinese
496 African Languages
500 Sciences
530 Physics
573 Physiological systems in animals
576 Genetics & evolution
600 Technology
616.8 Diseases of nervous system & mental disorders
700 Arts & Recreation
709 Historic, geographic, persons
720 Architecture
780 Music
791.4 Motion pictures
792 Stage presentations
800 Literature
801 Philosophy & theory
801.95 Criticism of literature
808 Rhetoric & collections of literature
809 Literary history & criticism
810 American literature
811 American poetry
812 American drama
813 American fiction
820 English & Old English literatures
821 English poetry
821.008 English poetry collections
822 English drama
822.33 William Shakespeare
823 English fiction
824 English essays
827 English satire & humour
828 English miscellaneous writings
830 Germanic literatures
831 German poetry
833 German fiction
839 Other Germanic literatures
840 Literature of Romance languages
841 French poetry
842 French drama
843 French fiction
851 Italian poetry
853 Italian fiction
861 Spanish poetry
862 Spanish drama
863 Spanish fiction
870 Latin & Italic literatures
883 Classical Greek epic poetry & fiction
891 East-Indo European & Celtic literatures
891.7 Russian literatures
895 Literatures of East & Southeast Asia
896 African literatures
900 History and Geography
909 World history
910 Geography & travel
917 North America
940 History of Europe
941.5 Ireland
942 England & Wales
943 Central Europe; Germany
943.086 Third Reich, 1933-1945
944 France
945 Italy
947 Eastern Europe; Russia
960 Africa
973-979 United States
000 - 009 General Works, Irish interest
016 Special subjects, Ireland
082 General collections in English, Ireland
090 - 099 Manuscripts and rare books, Ireland
100-199 Philosophy and psychology, Ireland
200-299 Religion, Ireland
220 The Bible, Ireland
230-289 Christianity, Ireland
235 Spiritual beings, Ireland
235.2 Saints
271 Religious orders in church history, Ireland
274 Christian church in Europe, Ireland
282 Roman Catholic Church, Ireland
283 Anglican churches, Ireland
296 Judaism, Ireland
297 Islam, Ireland
300-399 Social sciences, Ireland
301-307 Sociology and anthropology, Ireland
314 General statistics of Europe, Ireland
314.15 Census of Ireland
320-329 Political science, Ireland
330-399 Economics, Ireland
340-349 Law, Ireland
350-359 Public administration and military science, Ireland
360-369 Social problems and social services, Ireland
370-379 Education, Ireland
380-389 Commerce, communications and transportation,
390-399 Customs, etiquette and folklore, Ireland
398 Folklore
398.21 Fairy tales
400-499 Language
491.6 Celtic languages
491.62 Irish
500-599 Science, Ireland
581 Botany, Ireland
600-699 Technology, Ireland
610-619 Medicine and health, Ireland
630-639 Agriculture, Ireland
700-799 Arts and recreation, Ireland
709.415 Irish art
720-729 Irish architecture
740-749 Decorative arts, Ireland
750-759 Painting, Ireland
780-789 Music, Ireland
784 Instruments & instrumental ensembles
792 Theatre, Ireland
800-899 Literature
820-829 English and Old English literatures
821 English poetry
822 English drama
823 English fiction
824 English essays
826 English letters
827 English humour and satire
828 English miscellaneous writings
840-849 French literature
870-879 Latin and Italic literatures
891.6 Celtic literatures
891.6208 Irish Gaelic literature collections
891.6209 Irish Gaeilic literature, history and criticism
891.621 Irish Gaelic poetry
891.622 Irish Gaelic drama
891.623 Irish Gaelic fiction
891.624 Irish Gaelic essays
891.627 Irish Gaelic humour and satire
891.628 Irish Gaelic miscellaneous writings
891.66 Welsh (Cymric) literature
891.68 Breton literature
900-999 History
910-191 Geography and travel, Ireland
914 Europe, Ireland
920-929 Biography and genealogy, Ireland
930-939 History of the ancient world (to ca. 499)
941.5 History of Ireland
941.6 History of Northern Ireland; Donegal County,
Monaghan County, Cavan County of Republic of
941.7 History of the Republic of Ireland
941.8 History of Leinster
941.83 History of Dublin
941.84 History of Wicklow
941.85 History of Kildare
941.86 History of Offaly
941.87 History of Laois
941.88 History of Carlow
941.885 History of Wexford
941.89 History of Kilkenny
941.91 History of Waterford
941.92 History of Tipperary
941.93 History of Clare
941.94 History of Limerick
941.95 History of Cork
941.96 History of Kerry