Theses & Dissertations

DCU Research Theses (Research Masters and PhD)
The Library receives print and electronic copies of all DCU Research Masters and PhD theses. Theses from 1985 are available in full online via DORAS, DCU's Open Access Institutional Repository.
Print Dissertations
The Library receives selected print copies of taught postgraduate dissertations and are listed in Library Search.
How do I search for print dissertations?
- Go to Library Search.
- Click on Advanced Search.
- Select the DCU Dissertations & Theses filter (this will limit your search to dissertations and theses).
- Enter a keyword, title, authour or the full course name (e.g. MSc in Human Resource Management), in the search box beside the Any Field option.
- Click Search.
- To refine the results to print dissertations only, select Physical Resources filter on the left hand side.
- Tip: for the latest dissertations, select Date-newest from the Sort By filter.
Note: It is at the discretion of each School if any dissertations are to be received by the library for any particular degree program/year.
Where can I find print dissertations?
Note: Print dissertations are shelved in alphabetical order according to the author’s surname and are for library consultation only.
Library | Year range | Location |
Cregan | 2011 - current | 2nd Floor |
Pre 2011 | Library help desk | |
O'Reilly | 2014 - current | Ground Floor |
2003 - 2013 | Library help desk | |
Pre 2003 | Store Room (available upon request from Help Desk, allow 24-48hrs) |
Online Dissertations
A limited selection of 2018|2019|2020 dissertations from taught postgraduate courses are available online as Ebooks and can be requested to view through Library Search.
How do I search for online dissertations?
- Search Library Search.
- Click on Advanced Search.
- Select the DCU Dissertations & Theses filter (this will limit your search to dissertations and theses).
- Enter a keyword, title, authour or the full course name (e.g. MSc in Investment, Treasury & Banking), in the search box beside the Any Field option.
- Click Search.
- To refine the results to online dissertations only, select Online Resources filter on the left hand side and search by Publication Date, choosing year range 2019 - 2020. Click Refine.
- Click on the title record and click on view full text. You will then be prompted to request access from google drive. Access will be approved by library staff, Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm.
The Library holds a small collection of undergraduate dissertations in print specific to BSc Multimedia in the School of Communications only. This collection is available on the ground floor in O’Reilly Library and can be consulted inside the library only.
These dissertations are identifiable with a yellow tag and are shelved according to year. A list of all titles are available upon request from library help desk staff.
Year range: 2012 - 2019
Other Theses Resources
Dissertations & Theses @ Dublin City University - a subset of the Dissertation Abstracts database.
Search dissertations and theses produced by students at Dublin City University - Search individual library catalogues and repositories of Irish universities and institutes of education for their theses.
- Index to Theses (UK): theses from UK and Ireland universities. Does not include full-text.
- DART-Europe E-theses Portal: 1000s of full-text theses from selected British universities.
Australia and New Zealand
Use TROVE to find links to many theses from Australian universities. On the Research & Reports page in TROVE enter your keywords, title or author. Then select 'Thesis' in the 'Format' dropdown to get relevant results.
- Theses Canada Portal: abstracts for theses and dissertations. Includes limited access to full-text for more recent theses.
United States of America
- Dissertation Abstracts: abstracts only for over 2 million doctoral dissertations and master's theses from 1861 to date. Full-text may be purchased for a fee.
- DART-Europe E-theses Portal: over 400,000 full-text theses in English and other languages from participating universities in 27 European countries.
- SUDOC: bibliographic information on dissertations/theses produced inn French academic libraries. Use simple or extended search and limit by "dissertation note"
- Dissonline: full-text access to doctoral and professorial dissertations organised by the German National Library
- Teseo: information on doctoral theses. Database maintained by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science
- Database of African Theses and Dissertations (DATAD): access to brief citations only
- WorldCat searches the catalogues of more than 10,000 libraries worldwide. To search for theses only go to Advanced Search and select Thesis/Dissertations from the Content drop-down box.
- Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD): union catalogue of member institutions (mostly from US, but some from the rest of the Americas and Europe). Some full-text access.