Books & ebooks

DCU Library has several collections of print books across all three libraries.
Click on the tabs below for collections in each library; Cregan, O'Reilly and Woodlock Hall. Store Collection comprises of items held in storage and can be requested online.
Search Library Search for books and ebooks.
Getting Started Tutorials are available on Library Search page.
Details on how to borrow are available on the Borrow, Return, Renew webpage

Library Search - eBooks
The library provides user access to over 360,000 Ebooks through direct purchase or annual subscription models.
The vast majority of these Ebooks can be found in Library Search.
Click on Available Online in the Book record to access the Ebook.
When accessing, students and staff will be prompted to enter their DCU username and password.
Main Collection
- Located on 2nd and 3rd floors.
- Multiple books can be borrowed from each collections. For more information on loans, see our Borrow, Return & Renew page
Reserve Collection
- The Reserve Collection consists of high demand core texts from the Teaching Collection.
- Located on 1st floor.
- These print books and resource packs are available for library consultation only.
Children's & Young Adult Collection
- The Children's & Young Adult Collection spans pre-school age to adult books and is relevant to the primary curriculum. It includes Irish interest and Irish language titles and picture books.
- Located on 1st floor.
- Shelf-mark label on the spine of the book contains the prefix ‘J.’
Teaching Collection
- The Teaching Collection comprises current textbooks, class readers, how-to-teach books and non-book resources. Its primary aim is to support students as they undertake School Placement.
- Students on School Placement can borrow up to 10 books at a time from this collection.
- Located on 1st floor.
- Shelf-mark label on the spine of the book contains the prefix ‘TC.’
Live Wise Book Therapy Collection
- The Live Wise Book Therapy Collection promotes and supports students and staff in strengthening their own self-care and maintaining their physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
- Located on dedicated bookcase displays on the 2nd floor and on the open shelves with the main collection.
- See the online Live Wise Book Therapy Collection guide for more information.
Main Collection
- Located on 1st & 2nd floors
- Books can be borrowed for 3 weeks or 1 week.
For more information on loans, see our Borrow, Return & Renew page
Live Wise Book Therapy Collection
- The Live Wise Book Therapy Collection promotes and supports students and staff in strengthening their own self-care and maintaining their physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
- Located in the main collection on the 1st & 2nd floors.
- See the online Live Wise Book Therapy Collection guide for more information.
Philosophy & Theology Collection
- The Philosophy & Theology Collection covers themes of philosophy, psychology, religions, scripture, Christian literature, theology, canon law, church history, and more.
- Located on the ground floor.
- Shelfmark label on the spine of the book contains a prefix ranging from ‘B’ to ‘BZ’.
Main Collection
- This collection spans most humanities subjects.
- Located on the ground floor and first floor.
Irish Collection
- Contains works of Irish interest and context on a multitude of subjects.
- Located located on the first floor.
- Shelfmark label on the spine of the book contains a prefix ‘IR’.
Multiple books can be borrowed from each collections. For more information on loans, see our Borrow, Return & Renew page.
Floor plan for Woodlock Hall Library.
The Store is a large collection of supplementary material held in storage in O’Reilly library.
Books from this collection are available only on request via the record in Library Search.
Before submitting a request, please ensure there is no alternative means of accessing the title - either in main collections, or as an Ebook.

Library Search
To submit a request:
- Sign in to Library Search and locate the record of the required book.
- In the Availability and Request Options section, click on the blue Request link.
- Choose your library Pickup Location
- Press Send Request to start the process.
- You will be emailed when your book is ready for collection.
Requested items are typically supplied within 48 hours when pick up is O’Reilly. Supply time to Cregan Library or Woodlock Hall Library is generally 2-3 days.