Using The Library

This webpage is your go-to resource for all things library-related. Discover how to navigate our extensive collections, access online resources, and make the most of our dedicated support team.
Whether you're a new student, or a returning student, we've got your library needs covered. Just click a tile below to learn more.

Adapting to third level can be difficult at times - our team of friendly and professional staff at the library help desks are available to help you get the best out of the wide array of print and online collections, and the support services available to you
Areas we can help with include:
- Finding books and eBooks on your reading lists, and using the library catalogue (Library Search)
- Borrowing, renewing and requesting print material
- Locating subject information for your assignments and class projects
- Help searching library databases for academic journal articles
- Help with citing and referencing / avoiding plagiarism queries
- General assistance with all library services and collections
If you have any questions, our staff are happy to help, you just need to ask! You'll find the library help desk on the ground floor of each library.

Cregan Library T: +353 (01) 700 9134 |
O’Reilly Library T: +353 (01) 700 5041 |
Woodlock Hall Library T: +353 (01) 700 8517 |
All general queries:
Live Chat Available: Get fast answers to short queries with our live chat feature. Simply look for the pop-out tab and a member of staff will reply almost instantly.
Available Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm
Our Libraries

Opening hours available here
- The Library opening hours vary throughout the year. Check the library website regularly for updates.
- For our extended opening hours the library will open for ‘Study Only’. Library staff will not be available, however, self service machines can be used to borrow and return library materials. PCs and printing facilities will also be available.
- DCU Library online resources (eBooks, eJournals) available 24/7

Throughout the libraries you will find a range of study spaces for both individual and collaborative study. From soft seating study areas to traditional study desks. We offer secure wifi (Eduroam) and plenty of power points to recharge your devices.
Note: Woodlock Hall Library study spaces are dedicated to individual study only.
Group study rooms can be booked via the webpage: Group Study Rooms
Terms & Conditions to Note
- As a courtesy to others, we ask that you be mindful of our noise guidelines depending on where you are in our library spaces.
- When leaving the library for whatever reason please bring all your belongings with you.
- Food is not permitted in the library
- Smoking/Vaping in any library space is not permitted
- Click this link for a full list of library regulations: Library Regulations

Cregan Library is located in the G Block on the St Patricks’ Campus.
Students based on St Patrick’s Campus, and also on All Hallows Campus and studying all aspects of Education and many Humanities subjects, can find key print collections here to support their academic study.
Always remember to bring your staff or student DCU ID card when visiting our libraries.

O’Reilly Library is located at the end of the Mall on the Glasnevin Campus.
Students in Nursing, Business, Sciences, Maths, Engineering, Law & Government, and Communications will find a huge range of tailored print resources available to them here.
Always remember to bring your staff or student DCU ID card when visiting our libraries.

Woodlock Hall Library is located in Senior House on the All Hallows Campus.
The collection consists of 18,000 items from the Jesuit Library. More Information...
View a video of the layout of Woodlock Hall Library here.
Always remember to bring your staff or student DCU ID card when visiting our libraries.

The Special Collections and Archives department houses a diverse array of research materials in various formats, accessible for review within the Reading Room situated on the lower ground floor of the O'Reilly Library.
This department catalogues, preserves and digitizes the library's special collections, and hosts exhibitions and delivers presentations on their content. Learn more about the dpartment via their webpage
Accessing Resources

Library Search is DCU Library's discovery platform. Use it to search the Library's collections: books, eBooks, journal articles, and more.
Watch this short YouTube tutorial to learn the basics: Keyword Search Turorial

As a DCU registered student you have access to a personal My Library Account to allow you to keep track of loan dates, renewals, and requests.
Take a look at this quick video on how to sign in: My Library Account Tutorial

Students can borrow material from any DCU LIbrary, for a period of 1 to 3 weeks depending on loan type. After this period, books can be returned to any DCU Library location, or renewed online to extend the loan period.
Some books aren't available on open shelves, and need to be requested online.
Check out our dedicated webpage for more details: Borrow Return Request Renew

DCU Library has a large, diverse collection of print books across all three librarie locations. We also have an extensive range of ebooks. These collections can be searched online via our discovery tool, Library Search.
Watch this short video to learn more about how to find books and ebooks: Finding Books
Find out more about or library's different collections on this webapge: Books & ebooks

Journals are expert-written publications, containing research and articles in specific fields, offering credible and peer-reviewed information.
Databases, on the other hand, are electronic collections of various sources like journals, books, and reports organised for easy searching.
Learn more about these collections via the webpage: Journals & Databases

PhD. Theses from 1985 can be found online via Doras (DCU Online Research Access Service) DCU's institutional repository.
For information about accessing Taught Postgraduate dissertations, and other theses and dissertations, see the webpage:
Learning Support

Our Subject Librarians are available to advise and help you with your research. They also deliver classes and workshops throughout the year.
Your Subject Librarian can advise on:
- Finding quality sources for your essays and projects
- Devising an effective search strategy
- Using the best resources for your discipline
- Conducting a review of the literature
- Citing and referencing sources
You'll find their contact information on the Subject Guides developed by the team. Each guide brings together the best quality information resources available for a given subject and also provides the contact details for your Subject Librarian.

LETS are Library E-Tutorials for Students
These online tutorials will help you to locate, evaluate and use information effectively. You can complete these tutorials via Loop

The library hosts in-person, online, and hybrid, classes and workshops throughout the year. Check out the timetable of classes via the webpage:

Correctly citing your sources is essential when writing assignments. If you're having trouble with referencing or worried about plagiarism, the library can help you!
Chec out our dedicated webpage for more information

Help Desk Plus offers extended support for inquiries that need a little extra time and assistance.
Sit down with a knowledgeable library staff member to receive helpful guidance in locating resources, navigating databases, and much more.
Help desk plus is a drop-in service, no appointments needed.

DCU Library partners with other DCU units to provide a range of different services in the library, from IT support, help with writing assignments, Math assistance and more