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Special Collections & Archives: Book Your Appointment

A student with archivist Killian Downing in the Special Collections & Archives reading room.

Book Your Appointment - Special Collections & Archives

Catalogued holdings from the Special Collections & Archives are available for consultation in the SC&A Reading Room, lower ground floor of the O'Reilly Library on the Glasnevin Campus, Dublin 9.

This service is available by appointment only which should be made at least 48 hours in advance using this form. Please await a confirmation email from the Special Collections & Archives team before your appointment.

For any queries or assistance, please contact us by phone 01-7008852 or by email specialcollections.archives@dcu.ie

Special Collections & Archives Appointment Form

First Name
Are you a:
Request a time slot:
Special Collections & Archives Reading Room Rules & Procedures
  • The Reading Room is open from 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00
  • No food or drink is allowed in the Reading Room.
  • Bags and outdoor coats can be stored adjacent to the Reading Room consultation table.
  • Notes may only be made using pencils or laptops.
  • Readers must not mark books or material from the archives in any way.
  • Readers must seek permission from a member of staff before taking photographs
  • Readers should take care when handling books and archives and must comply with the advice given by members of staff.
  • Mobile phones are to be placed on silent mode or switched off and no calls are to be taken or received.
  • No items or books are to be removed from the SC&A Reading Room.
Special Collections & Archives Data Protection Undertaking

I acknowledge that I may have access to personal data in the course of my historical research while consulting DCU Library Special Collections & Archives. I understand that personal data is any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Dublin City University, as a Data Controller, must comply with data protection legislation under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018. Data protection concerns the safeguarding of privacy rights of individuals in relation to the processing of their personal data and personal data means any information relating to an identified, or an identifiable, living individual (e.g. name, email address, contact details, consent form, research files etc.) 

I agree and understand that it is my responsibility under this legislation to ensure that any personal data contained in any DCU Library Special Collection & Archive, to which I am being granted access, is used solely for the purpose of historical research and not for any purpose which could cause damage or distress to the subjects of the data. 

I agree and further understand that the legislation requires that the results of my research, or any resulting statistics I publish or use, are not made available in a form that identifies any living individual featured in the data. The personal data I gain access to will not be disclosed to any other individual. I also undertake to protect from unauthorised disclosure to any party, any copies of material, or any notes taken during my research in DCU Library, which contain personal data. 

Special Collections & Archives Copyright Notice

DCU Library's Special Collections & Archives are subject to copyright and specifically to restrictions on reproduction and publication included in the Copyright and Related Rights Act, 2000.

Dublin City University does not, in many instances, own or administer the copyright in collections deposited in DCU Archives; and cannot therefore give permission for quotation from or publication of documents from those collections. I agree it is my responsibility to identify and secure the permission of the copyright owner and comply with copyright law.

SC&A may be able to offer guidance on the ownership of copyright in certain collections, please email specialcollections.archives@dcu.ie for further information.

Special Collections & Archives Data Protection Statement

The information provided above will be used by Dublin City University Library in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018.

Your personal data (full name and email) will be retained for 7 years under Special Collections and Archives (SC&A) Directorate business use. It will not be shared with any third parties or used for any other purpose other than managing access to DCU Library’s SC&A and to ensure that any personal data contained in any special collection or archive, to which you are being granted access, is used solely for the purpose of historical research and not for any purpose which could cause damage or distress to the subjects of the data. 

By agreeing to this form, you are giving us your consent to hold your personal data (full name, and email) for this purpose for 7 years. If you wish to remove your name, please contact: specialcollections.archives [at] dcu.ie or if you have any questions in relation to your personal data, you may contact the DCU Data Protection Officer, by emailing data.protection@dcu.ie for further information, please visit the DCU Data Protection Unit Webpage.

The information provided above will be used by Dublin City University Library in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2018.

Your personal data (full name and email) will be retained for 7 years under Special Collections and Archives (SC&A) Directorate business use. It will not be shared with any third parties or used for any other purpose other than managing access to DCU Library’s SC&A and to ensure that any personal data contained in any special collection or archive, to which you are being granted access, is used solely for the purpose of historical research and not for any purpose which could cause damage or distress to the subjects of the data. 

By agreeing to this form, you are giving us your consent to hold your personal data (full name, and email) for this purpose for 7 years. If you wish to remove your name, please contact: specialcollections.archives [at] dcu.ie or if you have any questions in relation to your personal data, you may contact the DCU Data Protection Officer, by emailing data.protection@dcu.ie for further information, please visit the DCU Data Protection Unit Webpage.

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