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Open Research - Responsible Metrics

Responsible Metrics

DCU Open Research

Open Research

The responsible use of research metrics forms an important part of the move towards Open Research. It is a key recommendation in the National Framework on the Transition to an Open Research Environment (NORF, 2019). 

Metrics, used responsibly, play an important role in assessing research visibility and impact. However, an awareness of their limitations is crucial to ensure they are used appropriately and fairly. There is potential for mis-use of metrics - for example, the use of non-normalised metrics when comparing across disciplines, or the use of a single metric to evaluate an individual’s impact. 

The Action Plan for Open Research (NORF, 2022) includes a stated goal  to "further develop commitments to reform research assessment and evaluation, including the responsible use of research metrics" (G3.4).

DCU's Statement on the Responsible Use of Research Metrics sets out 7 guiding principles for those using research metrics for assessment purposes to ensure a nuanced and balanced approach.

Metrics Tools

DCU Research Office & DCU Library provide access to and training on the tools used for accessing and analysing publication data (incl. collaboration and citation data) used by the University e.g. SciVal and Research Engine.

The University encourages the use of ORCiD identifiers so that all that all outputs and subsequent citations are correctly attributed to the researcher.

Research Engine profiles should also be kept up to date and current. ORCiD profiles can easily be synchronised with Research Engine to reduce profile maintenance.

International Frameworks and Initiatives