DCU Library partners and collaborates with a number of national bodies and groups. Some of these include:
Digital Repository of Ireland
The DRI is a nationally funded digital repository for humanities and social sciences. The project is based within the Royal Irish Academy and provides training, support and repository services for member institutions. www.dri.ie
IReL is a nationally funded e-resource licensing consortium providing access to leading Science Technology and Medicine (STM) and Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) resources on behalf of participating Irish publicly funded higher education institutions. This provides access to a broad range of electronic journals and databases. www.irel.ie
This is the Consortium of National and University Libraries. The all island group provides a framework for professional development and networking across the various institutions with the creation of a strategy and a number of working groups. www.conul.ie
The Irish Universities Association Librarians group. This group comprises the 9 Directors of library services in the IUA Universities. The group provides a mechanism for information exchange and policy development across the participating academic libraries.
DCU Is a member of the International Association of University Libraries (IATUL). IATUL offers an influential and inclusive community for leaders of university and research libraries from around the world. It brings together library directors and senior managers from over 70 countries to exchange ideas, expand professional networks, form new collaborations, and work together on multinational projects exploring the big challenges faced by academic libraries. www.iatul.org
Children's Books Ireland
Dublin City University (DCU) entered into partnership with Children’s Books Ireland in 2021. This partnership was marked by the transfer of the organization’s extensive archive of award-winning children’s books to DCU Library. This collection, which includes titles in both English and Irish dating back to the 1900s, will be preserved and made accessible for research and educational purposes. The agreement ensures that future shortlisted titles for the Children's Book Awards will be added, keeping the collection vibrant and up-to-date. The archive will be available both as a research resource and for use by trainee teachers and scholars. An exhibition showcasing items from the collection went on display in Cregan library in September 2023. An online version of exhibition can be viewed is also available.