Open Research at DCU

Open Research @ DCU

DCU Open Research

Open Research

In DCU, the Open Research Taskforce is leading the University's implementation of the NORF Action Plan 2022-2030 and working more broadly to foster a culture of openness in all aspects of DCU research.

Open Research Taskforce

The Taskforce is chaired by Dr Maura Coulter, Associate Dean for Research at DCU Institute of Education.

Ian Bell 
Projects and Business Support Manager, 
Ellen Breen Associate Director, Research and Teaching, DCU Library
Dr Conor Brennan Associate Dean of Research,
Faculty of Engineering & Computing
Fiona Brennan Manager of Research Support
Isabel Hidalgo (Sec.) Research Information and Analytics Officer, Research Office
Dr Maura Coulter (Chair) Associate Dean of Research, 
Institute of Education
Prof Timo Gans  Associate Dean of Research, 
Faculty of Science & Health
Dr Johannes Karl  Assistant Professor, 
School of Pyschology
Prof Theo Lynn Associate Dean of Research, 
Business School
John McDonough  University Librarian
Dr Sinéad McNally  Associate Professor of Psychology & Early Childhood Education,
DCU Institute of Education
Prof Sharon O’Brien Dean of Graduate Studies
Conor O'Donovan Research Communications Officer, 
Comms & Marketing
Liam O'Dwyer Open Research Librarian, 
DCU Library
Linda Prosa Graduate Skills Officer, Graduate Studies
Dr Gezim Visoka Associate Dean for Research, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Recent activities and events

Picture of DCU Press Authors

Jan 2024

DCU Press launched their first publication Statecraft and Foreign Policy: India, 1947 – 2023 at an event in O'Reilly Library with speakers including DCU President Prof Daire Keogh, His Excellency Mr Akhilesh Mishra, Indian Ambassador to Ireland and Gwenda Jeffreys-Jones, Dept of Foreign Affairs. The book explores India’s rise as an economic and political power on the global stage and was written by Prof Subrata K. Mitra, Dr Jivanta Schottli, and Dr Markus Pauli.

A joint initiative between DCU Library and the University’s Office of the Vice-President of Research, DCU Press is Ireland’s first open access university press and reaffirms the University's commitment to open research.

OR Website

Dec 2023

A new DCU Open Research website launched, providing a single point of access for information and support on Open Research for DCU staff and students. 

Developed by the Library with input from Research Support, it is a key action of the Open Research Taskforce in its aims to develop and support a culture of open research in the University and to promote openness across the research lifecycle.

Shows woman speaking to crowd at conference style academic event

Oct 2023

The Taskforce hosted Open Research Landscapes, an event with speakers from University College London, Universities of the Netherlands and the National Open Research Forum. 

National Open Research Co-ordinator Dr Daniel Bangert outlined the national strategy on open research contained in the NORF Action Plan 2022-2030 while Kim Huijpen from Universities of the Netherlands and Dr Paul Ayris from UCL provided an international context.

Open Research Survey Slide

Sep 2023

A survey of DCU staff on Open Research by the OR Taskforce received over 200 responses. Aspects covered included awareness of the breadth of the open research movement, as well as services already on offer at DCU. The feedback provides valuable insight into current practices in the University, and where gaps or barriers to realising the opportunities of open research lie. Going forward this will directly inform planning and activities of the OR Taskforce.

A presentation of the survey findings was delivered at the DCU Open Research Landscapes event on 31st October 2023. 


The breadth of areas that fall under Open Research is very broad. In order to prioritise actions, objectives are grouped under thematic areas of open access, fair, data & infrastructure, incentives & rewards, training & communication and overall leadership & governance

These areas were chosen to reflect areas of activity already taking place in the university, areas highlighted by the responsible research metrics statement and to mirror national priorities as identified by NORF.