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DCU Library


MyReadingList is the Library’s online reading list service providing students with direct access to reading lists via their module pages in Loop. MyReadingList links directly to all library resources, print and online (journal articles, book chapters etc).

Benefits to Students Benefits to Staff

• Students access their module reading lists via their module pages in Loop

Direct access to library ebooks and online journal articles or links to records for print resources

• Allows for a more consistent
experience across all modules

• Students can create their own collection using 'Favourites' to save key texts across their modules

• Saves time - once created, online reading lists can be saved, reused and easily updated

• Lists can be structured as required and notes added e.g. key chapters in a book

• Lists will be iterative - we can easily add new or different material to a list at any time, including web content.

• Streamlines the library book ordering process - any material on a reading list not currently available in the library will be ordered

Sample Demonstration MyReadingList

A sample MyReadingList has been set up to help demonstrate how the online reading lists look and work, as well as highlight the range of resources that can be added and referenced.
Click here to view this sample demo list!


Let us set up your online reading list(s) for you!

The Library team will create your online module reading list(s) for the academic year 2024/2025.
All you have to do is send your reading list to subject.team@dcu.ie and include the following information:

  • Instructor name(s) and school
  • Module name and code
  • Number of students taking the module
  • Indicate which items are essential or supplementary reading

If there are items on your reading list(s) that we don’t have, we’ll order them.
You don’t have to send us a final version either, lists can be updated and edited at any time.
Once we set up your online reading list, it will be easy to add/remove material as needed.

Please also do contact us when new instructors join the module, and we can add them to as instructors to access the list.

Adding MyReadingList to a module in Loop

Once your online reading list has been created, it is then ready to embed in Loop.
This quick video will show you how to add MyReadingList to your module in Loop.

**Adding MyReadingList to Loop is essential to allow student access to your list**