LETSfocus on sessions

LETSfocus on sessions
This semester our popular bite sized lunchtime sessions return. These focused sessions are a great way to brush up on your research skills or pick up some helpful tips and advice from our team of Subject Librarians. All sessions take place online via Zoom.
Who can attend?
All DCU students (Undergraduate and Postgraduate). University staff may also attend.
Where are they taking place?
Various lunchtime dates throughout February & March (see dates and times below).
How long are the sessions?
Approximately 30 minutes.
Full details and links to register below
NOTE: You must activate your DCU Zoom account before registering
LETS focus on... Sessions, Spring 2025
LETS Focus On... Library Resources for Engineering & Computing
This session will provide an overview of the key information sources for engineering and sources available via the library. It will showcase one key database in detail and demonstrate how it can be used to find quality scholarly resources for assignments and projects.
Key Areas: Engineering, Computing
- Tuesday 18th February at 12pm
Library Resources for Engineering & Computing
LETS focus on… Library Resources for Science
This session will provide an overview of the key information sources for science available via the library. It will showcase one key database in detail and demonstrate how it can be used to find quality scholarly resources for assignments and projects.
Key Areas: Web of Science Database, particularly relevant to those within the Faculty of Science
Wednesday 19th February at 1pm
LETS focus on… Library Resources for Business
This session will provide an overview of the key information sources for business available via the library. It will showcase one key database in detail and demonstrate how it can be used to find quality scholarly resources for assignments and projects.
Key Areas: Business studies
Thursday 20th February at 12pm
Library Resources for Business
LETS focus on… Evidence-based searching
This session will start with an overview of the key evidence-based sources for health sciences available via the library. It will showcase one key database in detail and demonstrate how it can be used to find evidence for assignments and projects. The session will finish off with a Q&A/workshop to help refine your search. Note: This session may take up to 60 minutes.
Key Areas: Targeting all those within the faculty of Science, but in particular Health.
Wednesday 26th February at 1pm
LETS focus on… Advanced Database Searching
This session will introduce you to some advanced search techniques that can be used to make searching library databases more effective and focussed. We will focus on the EBSCO suite of databases which includes Business Source Complete, Education Research Complete, Cinahl, Medline, PsychInfo, SportDiscus and many more. This session will be relevant to students studying all subjects.
Key Areas: EBSCO, a multi-disciplinary database, of particular interest to those in General Humanities and Social Sciences.
- Thursday 27th February at 12pm
LETS focus on… Citing & Referencing - APA Style
In this session you’ll learn how to avoid plagiarism and improve the quality of your work by citing and referencing your sources correctly according to the APA referencing style. Learn how to use the referencing tool Cite Them Right to cite and reference books, journal articles, web sources and more.
Key Areas: Institute of Education, Irish, Business, Psychology
Tuesday 4th March at 12pm
LETS focus on… Citing & Referencing - MHRA Style
In this session you’ll learn how to avoid plagiarism and improve the quality of your work by citing and referencing your sources correctly according to the MHRA referencing style. Learn how to use the referencing tool Cite Them Right to cite and reference books, journal articles, web sources and more.
Key Areas: Theology, English, Music, Philosophy
Wednesday 5th March at 1pm
Citing & Referencing MHRA Style
LETS focus on… Citing & Referencing - Harvard Style
In this session you’ll learn how to avoid plagiarism and improve the quality of your work by citing and referencing your sources correctly according to the Harvard referencing style. Learn how to use the referencing tool Cite Them Right to cite and reference books, journal articles, web sources and more.
Key Areas: Business, Law & Government, Communications, Geography, Irish, Engineering, Psychology, Health and Human Performance, Nursing, Psychotherapy & Community Health
Tuesday 11th March at 12pm
Citing & Referencing - Harvard Style