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Climate and Sustainability Exhibition

Throughout February and March, DCU will host an exhibition looking at the climate emergency and the many ways the DCU community is responding to it. The exhibition will run from 17 February - 14 March in the O’Reilly Library on the DCU Glasnevin Campus and from 18 March - 4 April in the Cregan Library on the St Patrick's Campus, Drumcondra.
Shows four exhibition boards with the titles: Climate emergency, sustainability on campus, education for sustainable development, climate actions

Climate and sustainability exhibition

The science behind the climate emergency is well established. Climate change is real and human activities are the main cause. 

Higher Education Institutions must play a pivotal role in responding to this crisis. Through research, teaching, community outreach and other initiatives, HEIs can foster awareness and understanding, build essential skills and competencies, and inspire and empower people to take action.

The exhibition begins with a series of images that illustrate the severity of the climate emergency and the urgent need to take action. This is followed by examples of initiatives currently being taken to address some of the issues:

  • Actions on campus that contribute to sustainability and biodiversity
  • Education for Sustainable Development
  • Examples of institutes, centres and projects focussed on climate justice

This exhibition is not only designed to showcase initiatives already in place. It is also a call to action. A starting point for everyone in the DCU community, staff and students, to take whatever action they can and contribute to a safe, sustainable and just future for all people and the planet.


A woman standing at a lectern with a banner behind her that reads: DCU Centre for climate and society

Mary Robinson at the CCS Conference 2024

The exhibition will run from 17 February - 14 March in the O’Reilly Library on the DCU Glasnevin Campus. It will then move to the Cregan Library on the DCU St Patrick's Campus, Drumcondra from 18 March - 4 April. 


The exhibition is open to the public during library opening hours. If you plan to bring a large group to visit the exhibition, please get in touch with us at libraryevents@dcu.ie.


The exhibition boards are printed on Swedboard, which is 100% recyclable and FSC certified with negative CO2 emissions. The printing on the board was produced with solar energy.