Borrow, Return, Renew & Request

Borrow, returning, renewing & requesting items
Borrowing Entitlements
- Undergraduates can borrow up to 14 items
- Taught and Research Postgraduates can borrow up to 20 items
- Bachelor of Education (B Ed) students can borrow up to 20 items

To borrow, you must have your DCU ID card.
- Bring the book to a self service machine found in any of our three libraries.
- Press Borrow and follow the onscreen instructions.
- Always print or email an issue receipt to view the due date of when the loan is to be returned to the library.
Note: 1 week loan items are labelled with a white tag. These can also be renewed up to 3 times.
Tip: Sign in to My Library Account online to check the due date of each item you have on loan.
To avoid borrowing restrictions, all loans must be returned to any DCU Library site on or before the due date.

- Bring the book to a self service machine found on the ground floor in the library.
- Press Return and follow the onscreen instructions.
- A book that has been requested by another patron or its home library cannot be returned on a self service machine. Return these books to the Issue Desk (or Book Return Facility outside staff service hours).
- Always print or email a return receipt to confirm the transaction.
An external Book Return Facility is also located outside the O’Reilly Library and is open to receive materials from all DCU libraries during Study Only and library closure times.
Alternatively, loans can be returned via registered post to its home library. Patrons are deemed responsible for library items until received back by library staff and removed from the patrons account:
O’Reilly Library
DCU Glasnevin Campus,
Dublin 9.
D09 V209
Cregan Library
DCU St Patrick's Campus,
Dublin 9.
D09 AW21
Woodlock Hall Library
DCU All Hallows Campus,
Senior House,
Dublin 9.
D09 N920
- There are no fines, however, you may not borrow additional materials or renew loans until all overdue loans are returned.
- It is the responsibility of the patron to be aware of the due date for material and to return material on time regardless of any reminders.
Not finished with a book by its due date? No problem!
It’s easy to go online and renew your loan.

- To renew a book, sign in to My Library Account and select the Loans tab.
- Click on the Renew button beside the book(s) you wish to extend the loan period.
- Books can be renewed a maximum of 3 times before they must be returned to the library.
- Books that have been requested by another patron cannot be renewed.
- Always renew a loan before the due date as after that date has passed the book will need to be returned to the library.
Contact issuedesk@dcu.ie for assistance.
Tip: The Library will send you a courtesy reminder the day before the due date (to your DCU email account) to indicate an item you have on loan is due for return.
All items in 1 Week and 3 Week loan collections can be requested if they are on loan to another patron.
Tip: Always sign in to Library Search to get access to Request options where available.
- Locate the book record and click on the blue Request link in the Availability and request options box.
- Requests can be picked up from the library where it is held.
- Click Send Request to confirm.
- The library will send you a notification to your DCU email account when the book has been returned and is ready to be picked up.
- You will have 3 working days from receipt of this notification to pick up the book from the help desk of your chosen library.
- 2 requests can be placed at any one time.
- To view or cancel requests, log in to My Library Account and select the Requests tab.
Remember: Items available on the shelf (not on loan) cannot be requested and are available to borrow.
Library Store Collection
The Store is a large collection of supplementary material held in storage in O’Reilly Library.
Books from this collection are available only on request via the book record in Library Search and can be picked up from your chosen library.
Before submitting a request, please ensure there is no alternative means of accessing the title - either in main collections, or as an eBook.
Requested items are typically supplied within 48 hours when pick up is O’Reilly Library. Supply time to Cregan Library or Woodlock Hall Library is generally 2-3 days.
As a DCU registered student you have access to a personal library account, to allow you to keep track of loan dates, renewals, requests and favourites.
To sign in to your library account, look for the ‘My Library Account’ quicklink on the library website or from the menu option from the Library Search screen.

- Select DCU Staff and Students on the pop up box.
- First time you log in you will need to accept terms of use.
- Always sign in with your DCU email address and password.
- To sign out, click on your name in the top hand corner and select Sign Out
Remember: An account summary can also be accessed through the self service machines, simply scan your DCU ID card and select ‘Account’ to view current loans and requests.
Please contact DTS for assistance with network login problems.

DVD player
DVD Player Loan Service
DVD players can be borrowed from the help desk in O'Reilly and Cregan Libraries
- Pack includes DVD players, headphones and plug
- Borrow to use in the library for 3 hours
- Available Monday – Saturday (Not available during study-only hours)
- Cannot be renewed, reserved, or removed from the library
- After 3 hour loan period, DVD players should be returned to the helpdesk