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School of Language, Literacy & Early Childhood Education


Primary Department
School of Language, Literacy & Early Childhood Education
Academic Staff
Phone number:
01 700
St Patrick's Campus
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Academic biography

Dr Thérèse Farrell is an Assistant Professor in Early Childhood Education at the Institute of Education. She lectures on a range of undergraduate, postgraduate and inservice programmes.  Prior to her appointment in 2012, Thérèse worked as a primary teacher and as a tutor for Aistear, The Early Childhood Curriculum Framework (NCCA, 2009). Her MEd specialised in early childhood education and her research focused on children’s perspectives of play.
Thérèse has a range of research interests including curriculum and pedagogy, children’s citizenship, agency and policy analysis. She completed her doctoral studies at the University of Sheffield under the supervision of Professor Elizabeth Wood and Dr Liz Chesworth. Her thesis uses a Foucauldian lens to present a genealogical account of how power has shaped early childhood pedagogy. Thérèse is the Research Convenor for the School of Language, Literacy and Early Childhood Education.    

Research interests

Children's participation
Children's voice, agency and citizenship
Play and pedagogy
Curriculum and assessment 
Policy analysis
Poststructural theories