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School of Language, Literacy & Early Childhood Education



The School of Language, Literacy and Early Childhood Education brings together a large dynamic faculty with a significant range of expertise in relation to theory, practice, research and policy in the fields of language (Irish & English), literacy and early childhood education. The faculty supports students to develop as innovative, critical, creative educators and agents of change with a deep understanding of a range of multidisciplinary perspectives on early learning and development, of first and second language learning and of the development of the cognitive, aesthetic, emotional, imaginative, cultural and cultural historical dimensions of language and literacy in their many forms and modalities. We are committed to ongoing scholarship and inquiry in reciprocal partnership with early childhood education and care settings, schools, colleagues across the institute and other stakeholders in the education system. In collaboration with key partners our aim is to advance an interdisciplinary evidence base in relation to research, policy and practice in the Irish context with a view to maximising the power of education to transform lives and society in the 21st century.