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School of Language, Literacy & Early Childhood Education

Dr Patrick

Primary Department
School of Language, Literacy & Early Childhood Education
Academic Staff
Patrick Burke _001
Phone number:
01 700
St Patrick's Campus
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Academic biography

Dr Patrick Burke is an Assistant Professor in the School of Language, Literacy and Early Childhood Education. He is a member of the literacy education team and also serves as Teaching and Learning Convenor for the school. He holds degrees in education, psychology, and literacy. 

Patrick is engaged in a number of projects relating to language, literacy and education more broadly. He is a member of the newly founded DCU Centre for Literacy Research, Policy and Practice as well as SEALBHÚ - An Lárionad Taighde um Fhoghlaim agus Teagasc na Gaeilge. Patrick is the DCU Co-PI (with Dr Eithne Kennedy) for the Erasmus+ funded Artificial Intelligence in Literacy (AILIT) project. He also serves as Co-PI (with Dr Aisling Ní Dhiorbháin) for the DCU research team supporting the consultation on the teaching of Irish in English-medium schools, funded by the Department of Education and Youth. In 2023, he completed a significant review of the research on curriculum integration, pedagogy and assessment, funded by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), to inform the redevelopment of the national primary school curriculum (with Dr Paula Lehane). His teaching and scholarly work has been recognised by several organisations including the American Educational Research Association and the International Literacy Association.

Outside of DCU, Patrick serves in a number of leadership roles. He is currently chairperson of the NCCA Primary Language Development Group and the President of the Literacy Association of Ireland. He also serves as chairperson of the International Literacy Association Dina Feitelson/Albert J Harris Award committee. His editorial commitments include appointments to the boards of Literacy and Active Learning in Higher Education.

Patrick started his career as a primary school teacher in a primary school in North County Dublin, where he also held the post of special duties teacher/APII with responsibility for mathematics and technology. While studying for his M.Ed in Reading/Literacy Education, he worked as an International Fellow in the Children’s Literature Centre at Frostburg State University, MD, USA. He later held the role of Advisor with the Professional Development Service for Teachers, which involved the design and delivery of professional development on a national basis. Immediately prior to joining DCU, he worked as a Lecturer in the Department of Language and Literacy Education at MIC Limerick. 

Research interests

Psychological perspectives on literacy development; disciplinary literacy; curriculum integration; language/literacy curriculum implementation; the linguistic basis for reading/writing/oral language development; children's literature; inclusive literacy teaching; technology and literacy; literacy policy development; curriculum development; literacy difficulties.