Master of Education in Specific Learning Difficulties/Dyslexia
On Saturday 13th May, thirteen students of the new programme M Ed in SpLD/Dyslexia received a professional award from the British Dyslexia Association – AMBDA/APC – an international qualification to undertake assessment of dyslexia and also a specialist teaching qualification to support learners with dyslexia. Joanne Gregory from the BDA travelled from the UK to present students with their awards.
The M Ed SpLD/Dyslexia is a new programme with dual accreditation – M Ed in SpLD/Dyslexia accredited by DCU, and also Associate Membership of British Dyslexia Association (AMBDA) and an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC).
This is the first programme offering dual accreditation in the area of dyslexia in the Republic of Ireland – a level nine M Ed in SpLD/Dyslexia and a professional award in the assessment of dyslexia (AMBDA/APC). The M Ed SpLD/Dyslexia also reflects the competences, knowledge and professional skills identified by the International Dyslexia Association, and the International Literacy Association.
Dr Anne Looney congratulated the students on their achievements. Students will graduate from the Institute of Education, DCU in November with M Ed in SpLD/Dyslexia.
The Director of the programme, Dr Thérèse McPhillips thanked all the partners, stakeholders and each of the tutors for their ongoing support for the programme. This award will contribute to building capacity among teachers and schools in the area of dyslexia assessment and support.