Video Finder

Letter Term Description Category
B Bulgaria (2)

Country in the Balkans.

B Beside

By or at the side of; near.

B Bone Marrow

A spongy tissue found in the center of some bones.

B Black Hole

The collapsed core of a massive star. Stars that are very massive will collapse under their own gravity when their fuel is exhausted. The gravitational pull is so strong that not even light can escape.

B Breech (1)

A position in which the feet or buttocks of the foetus appear first during birth.

Biology, Pregnancy
B Brain Hemisphere (2)

In brain science, refers to either half of the brain (left or right). The two hemispheres are separated by a deep groove, or fissure, down the center. Some major, specific brain functions are located in one or the other hemisphere. While popular culture suggests that “hemispheric dominance,” or which side of the brain is more active, can help inform how an individual best learns, research does not support this idea.

B Bulgaria (1)

Country in the Balkans.

B Birthday (a)

Birthday (a)

B Boulder (FIngerspelling)

In geology, a boulder is a rock fragment with size greater than 256 mm in diameter.

B Boiling Point

The temperature where a liquid turns to vapour.
