Video Finder

Letter Term Description Category
E Episiotomy

A surgical cut made in the area between the vagina and the anus to widen the vaginal opening for delivery.

Biology, Pregnancy
E Exchange Rate

The ratio at which a unit of the currency of one country can be exchanged for that of another country.

E Extinct (Fingerspelling)

A species is extinct when it has no living members. 

E Electricity (2)

A form of energy that results from the flow of charged particles.

E Exports

The goods or services sent to another country for sale.

E Expressing Milk

Removing breast milk from the breasts using a pump to store for a later feeding.

Biology, Pregnancy
E Expensive

Very highly-priced.

E Endemic (Fingerspelling)

In epidemiology, an infection is endemic in a population or region when it persists there at a constant baseline level.

E Extinct (a)

A species is extinct when it has no living members. 

E Electromagnetic Spectrum

The entire range of wavelengths or frequencies of electromagnetic radiation extending from gamma rays to the longest radio waves and including visible light. The EM spectrum consists of Gamma Rays, X-Rays, Ultraviolet, Visible Light, Infrared, Microwaves and Radio Waves
