Video Finder

Letter Term Description Category
D Density (Tight)

The amount of mass in a particular volume.

D Dendrites

Short nerve fibers that project from a neuron, generally receiving messages from the axons of other neurons and relaying them to the cell’s nucleus.

D DNA Ligation

The joining of two DNA molecules by the enzyme, DNA ligase.

Molecular Biology
D DNA Ligase

The enzyme used to join two DNA molecules together.

Molecular Biology
D Data (b)

In maths, data is a set of numerical values for variables. In science, data refers to facts that can be collected and analysed, then becoming information and eventually knowledge. In computer science, data is a sequence of one or more symbols that can be interpreted and given meaning.

D Diarrhoea (Fingerspelling)

When bowel movements are looser and/or more frequent.

D Direct Current

The voltage is always constant, and the electricity flows in a certain direction.

D Dementia

General mental deterioration from a previously normal state of cognitive function due to disease or psychological factors. Alzheimer’s disease is one form of dementia.

D DNA Fragments

Pieces of separated, cut, or broken DNA. In the lab, DNA fragments are made using restriction enzymes.

Molecular Biology
D DNA Ladder

Used to measure the sizes of DNA fragments that have been separated out in a gel. It is a mix of DNA fragments (of known sizes) that is run alongside your samples in a gel so that you can compare them.

Molecular Biology