Student Research | Postgraduate Research | Further Education & Training Research Centre
Student Research
Postgraduate Research
Murray, Denis (2015) The case of higher education provision in further education: leadership in the evolution of higher education in the post leaving certificate sector of the city of Dublin vocational education committee. Doctor of Education thesis
Moran, Carol (2015) Full and part time mature learner experiences in Irish institutes of technology: a mixed methods enquiry. Doctor of Education thesis
Doyle, Kieran (2014) Evaluating and improving the delivery of work-based learning. Doctor of Education thesis
Conway, Helen (2013) - A study of expereinces of lone parents in a formal education environment, MSc Thesis
Keegan, Rachel (2013) - Female Mature Student Expereinces of Spousal Support: A feminist Phenomenological Inquiry - MSc Thesis
O'Gorman, Sean (2013) - A study of the attitudes of employees towards Youthreach programme and it's participants - MSc Thesis
O'Reilly, Amanda (2013) - How do I improve my practice in the development and implementation of a 'Carrer Guidance Programme' with a view to enhancing client employability in the current economic climate: an action research approach - MSc Thesis
Rochford, Ríona (2013) - The Guidance Needs of Adults in the Progression from Further to Higher Education: The Experiences of One Group of Adults in the West of Ireland - MSc Thesis
Stewart, Ciara (2013) - A Case Study of the Expected and Acual Benefits of Outplacement Consulting Support in a large Financial Services Company in Ireland - - MSc Thesis
Boland, Eiméar (2012) - Career Transition and the Impact of Social Media –An Exploratory Study into the Effects of LinkedIn.com on Job Search - MSc Thesis
O'Neill, Lyndsey (2012) - The Influence of Career Guidance on Addiction and Recovery Capital: An Analysis of the Ballymun Job Centre TELO Unit - MSc Thesis
Murtagh, Desmond (2012) A study of the effectiveness of adult education in Kildare VEC. Doctor of Education thesis, Dublin City University.
Connolly O'Prey, Noreen H. (2012) An exploration of the role of the school secretary/administrator in the city of Dublin vocational education committee (CDVEC). Doctor of Education thesis
Anderson, Fionnuala (2012) The constuction of professionalism in vocational education and training in Ireland: A mixed methods study of trainers' roles and professional development in the workplace. Doctor of Education thesis
Berril, Gráinne (2011) - An Exploration of the Support Needs of Adult Travellers in County Louth in Engaging with Mainstream Adult Education Services- MSc Thesis
Murphy, Siobhan (2011) - How Key Skills Employment Impacts upon Teaching and Learning at Senior Cycle - MSc Thesis
Scott, Susan (2011) - Youth Information: a Key Link in a Chain of Access - MSc Thesis
O'Brien Maguire, Shivaun (2011) The Development and Implementation of a Quality Framework For Youthreach and Traveller Training Centres. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.
Harrison, Catherine (2011) Peer and self-assessment - Re-thinking assessment philosophy and practice peer- and self-assessment. PhD thesis,
Doyle, Judanne (2010) - How will the introduction of a four week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programme facilitate greater mindfulness amongst participants on a back to learning/work programme? - MSc Thesis
Ennis, Catherine (2010) - An investigation into guidance and information provision for Level 3 learners in adult basic education - MSc Thesis
Lynch, Thelma (2010) - The social, personal and economic challenges an adult faced due to redundancy as a direct result to the downturn in the economy and how career guidance counselling supported the client through these challenges - MSc Thesis
Fagan, Anne Marie (2010) - How can I as a guidance practitioner provide guidance and counselling support for adults returning to learning on the SKILLVEC work based learning programme - MSc Thesis
Grennan, Geraldine (2010) - Youthreach participants positive and negative experiences of mainstream and alternative education programmes - MSc Thesis
Kelly, Cora (2009) - 'Working Together to Improve the Education of Young People in Care' - MSc Thesis
Lardner, Geraldine (2009) - Early aspirations and mature reflections - Levinson's "Dream" theory revisited in an Irish context - MSc Thesis
Morrissey, Marie (2002) - Adult education and training: issues emerging from the perspective of the higher education sector and work organizations. PhD thesis