Undergraduate Research | Student Research | Further Education & Training Research Centre
Student Research
Undergraduate Research
The BSc in Education and Training (4 year mode) is the only concurrent initial teacher training degree in Ireland that is recognised by the Teaching Council as a Further Education teaching qualification. Final year students on the BSc in Education and Training are required to design research, conduct fieldwork and write a thesis on a subject of their choice. Interest in the further education sector is growing and this is reflected in the topic choices of some of our students:
Stacey Bennett: An investigation of teaching strategies used in a Youthreach setting that engage learners in the classroom.
Ewa Domagalska: Is there a need for practicing mindfulness in a Youthreach setting? The advantages for learners.
Sarah Fung: Can Student Centred Learning (SCL) and Critical Pedagogy Contribute to Empowering Learners in Further Education and Training
Rebecca Meehan: A study of the person-centred approach of teaching in Youthreach Centres and whether it prepares the learner for employment.
Jane O'Brien: DCU’s Age Friendly Aspiration: an evaluation of the Intergenerational Learning Programme and the benefits it has for older students.