Energy at DCU
Our Strategic Plan; Talent, Discovery and Transformation (2017-2022), places Sustainability as one of our nine core strategic objectives. Ambitious and innovative Energy and Water management is key for us to achieve this strategic objective.
Dublin City University is committed to responsible Energy Management and will strive to efficiently manage and reduce the consumption of Energy whilst providing an optimal learning and research environment.
Dublin City University is committed to responsible Energy Management and will strive to efficiently manage and reduce the consumption of Energy whilst providing an optimal learning and research environment. Our policy is to meet or exceed best practice in Energy Efficiency and to minimise Environmental impact as far as is practicable. To achieve our objectives DCU will practice responsible Energy Management throughout all our Campuses, in addition to it being a key element of our overall Sustainability Strategy.
To achieve our objectives we plan to:
Use Energy in a prudent and responsible manner
Procure Fuels at the most economic cost
Reduce the Consumption of Fossil Fuels
Utilise Energy from Sustainable sources where practical
Monitor and Report Energy Performance
Promote Energy Awareness amongst both Students and Staff
Identify and implement Energy Efficiency measures throughout all of our Faculties
Incorporate Energy Efficient and Sustainable Designs for both new Build and Refurbishment building projects
Target a reduction in Energy Consumption and Pollution Emissions in line with Ireland’s National Energy Efficiency Action Plan
Promote Sustainable Energy Management practices
The DCU Energy Management System (EnMS) is fully certified to International Energy Management Standard ISO 50001:2018. This was achieved in September 2020 following a recertification audit with Certification Europe. The certification is valid until December 2023. It covers all 5 DCU Campuses.
ISO 50001 provides DCU with a framework of requirements to:
Develop a policy for more efficient use of energy
Fix targets and objectives to meet the policy
Use data to better understand and make decisions about energy use
Measure the results
Review how well the policy works
Continually improve energy management

ISO50001:2018 Certificate
EnMS Annual Cycle
The key features of how DCU manage energy are the combination of a structured, motivated, forward thinking, strategic and innovative management plan. It combines the crucial operational elements needed to manage energy on a daily basis, while ensuring the strategic side focuses on sustaining consumption, cost and carbon into the future, and through the use of government supports ensures quality delivery of these goals with economic prowess. A four-stage approach was devised to align utilities planning across all of our campuses; the implementation and full independent certification of the DCU energy management system, the implementation of a multi-campus energy and water conservation strategy, formalization and structuring of all energy operations, and setting up three energy management teams to manage the overall process; the estates office energy management team, the university energy management team and the senior energy management team.

DCU EnMS Annual Cycle

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