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Disability and Learning Support Service

Policies and Procedures

Disability and Learning Support Service has developed a number of policies regarding the supports we deliver to students registered with the service.

For further information on our policies please select a link:



DCU Access Officer

Dublin City University has appointed an Access Officer in accordance with section 26(2) of the Disability Act 2005,

Access Officers are responsible for providing or arranging for, and co-ordinating assistance and guidance, to persons with disabilities accessing services provided by the University and generally to act as a point of contact for people with disabilities wishing to access such services.

As legislated for in the Disability Act 2005, the appointed Access Officer for Dublin City University is Anne O'Connor.

She is available to help you with queries relating to ‘accessibility of information and services’ provided by DCU.

Anne can be contacted directly by calling 01 700 5160 or email



If you have a query please contact us: Telephone 01 700 5927 or Email